Using Blogging in the Teaching of Psychology

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For many of us, a primary objective in teaching psychology is to facilitate students’ active consideration of how the studies, phenomena, and theories they read about apply to their daily lives. This presentation explores how blogging can further this goal. Specifically, I incorporate blogging into my courses in two ways: a class blog where I post related content and students can respond, and a personal blog in which students analyze events from their own lives through a psychological lens. Advantages, challenges, and assessment will be discussed, as will applicability for both in-person and online courses.


For many of us, a primary objective in teaching psychology is to facilitate students’ active consideration of how the studies, phenomena, and theories they read about apply to their daily lives. This presentation explores how blogging can further this goal. Specifically, I incorporate blogging into my courses in two ways: a class blog where I post related content and students can respond, and a personal blog in which students analyze events from their own lives through a psychological lens. Advantages, challenges, and assessment will be discussed, as will applicability for both in-person and online courses.

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Dr. Sam Sommers, Tufts University

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