Support for school
College & career readiness
Support for students
Get help with account settings, registration & access codes, licensing, system requirements, joining a course, working in your course & accessibility.
Support for educators
Get help with creating an account, creating & managing a course, preparing your course & assignments, reporting performance and grades & accessibility. Instructor resources also include how to preview a title or request a desk copy, find your sales rep & prepare for next term.
K-12 District Partnerships Support
Contact form
Connect with a representative to see how we can help your district, region, or state.
Pearson Virtual Schools
For Students in Connections Academy, Pearson Online Academy or District Partnerships
Virtual schools support
Resources about our Connections Academy offering for students & families.
Technical support
Support staff members have an expansive knowledge of computer technology and Pearson Online Classroom (formerly known as Connexus®). They will help you to troubleshoot any problems you are having with Pearson Online Classroom, using remote diagnostic tools that allow them to “see” a student's computer and correct problems from afar.
Pearson Online Classroom
Online help resources for Pearson Online Classroom.