Bringing the APA-IPI Recommendations Into Your Course
Join Danae Hudson and Noland White to learn evidence-based strategies for applying the APA's Intro Psych Initiative recently published student outcomes, integrative themes, and resources for success.
Dr. Danae L. Hudson, Missouri State University
Dr. J. Noland White, Georgia College and State University
Garth Neufeld, Psychology Faculty, Cascadia College
The American Psychological Association’s Introductory Psychology Initiative (IPI) recently published student learning outcomes and integrative themes for Introductory Psychology. In addition, the IPI developed resources to facilitate student success and transformation, including ideas for integrating recommendations into a variety of course models and designs, and suggestions for teacher training. Given the breadth of resources and possibilities, knowing where to begin and how to apply these recommendations can be overwhelming. In this session, Danae Hudson and Noland White will share some evidence-based strategies for getting started and provide some examples from their own Introductory Psychology courses.
Danae Hudson is co-author on Hudson/Whisenhunt's Psychology.
Noland White is co-author on Ciccarelli/White's Psychology and Psychology: An Exploration.