MapMaster 3

A GIS-inspired digital atlas, accessible anytime, anywhere.

Discover MapMaster 3

Interactive digital mapping – anytime, anywhere

Build 21st century data analysis skills with MapMaster 3. This interactive digital mapping tool helps students develop geographic literacy, spatial reasoning, and critical thinking skills by examining patterns and relationships across regional and global datasets. Completely redesigned with state-of-the art web-mapping technology and cartography, MapMaster 3 includes more than 500 cultural, economic, physical, and political datasets from authoritative sources such as the World Bank, United Nations (UN), NASA, NOAA and the United States Geological Survey (USGS).



Over 450 searchable data layers

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Features and FAQs

View frequently asked questions and learn more about MapMaster 3 features and functionality.


Watch “Engaging Online Learners in the Earth Sciences” to explore the value of MapMaster 3 digital mapping to your course and students.

Let's connect

You can count on your Pearson representative to help you find best-in-class solutions to ensure you’re achieving all your classroom goals. Connect with us to request a MapMaster 3 demo, receive sample materials for your courses, and more.

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