
Inspire engagement through active learning

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Educator (Higher Ed)

Educator (K-12)

Foster immersive learning

Active participation is the key to learning. Videos and interactives throughout the narrative empower students to analyze and apply concepts as they read.

Stay on track

Assessing student progress helps you keep the class on track. The educator dashboard yields performance insights that let you adjust your focus as needed.

Enable access anywhere

Both you and your students are always on the go. That’s why the Revel app enables access on all your devices, anywhere and anytime.

Deliver top content

Great content helps students think and reason. Revel combines world-class content, by top thought leaders, with tools supporting concept mastery.

Embedded assessments

Practice makes perfect. Embedded assessments in Revel allow you to gauge student understanding and improve comprehension.

Shared writing assignments

Writing is a great way to boost comprehension. Shared writing assignments in Revel encourage critical thinking and facilitate dialogue among peers. 

Shared multimedia assignments

Many students today are savvy creators. Shared multimedia assignments enable you and your students to easily post and respond to videos and other media.

Let’s connect

You can count on your Pearson representative to help you find best-in-class solutions to ensure you’re achieving all your classroom goals. Connect with us to request a product demo, receive sample materials for your courses, and more.

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Available for these disciplines and more

Choose from these subject areas across the higher ed curriculum


  • Young woman with glasses looking at laptop screen.

    Revel was purposely built

    By Liz Lebold

    Some may think they know Revel; some people call it a digital textbook but they would be wrong. It’s so much more than that. Luckily, Pearson is here to reintroduce you to the real Revel. Revel is a comprehensive, dynamic education platform grounded in the subject matter expertise of world-class authors. Purposefully built to revolutionize the way educators teach and transform the way learners learn. Get ready to discover the incredible world of possibilities Revel offers.

    Immerse Students in Learning: Active participation is the key to learning, and Revel achieves this by integrating videos and interactives throughout the narrative, enabling students to analyze and apply key concepts actively while reading.

    “The video quizzes are a really good way to see how they apply the information, how they take it to the next level, and not just regurgitate or repeat what they’ve learned.” – Shawn Davis, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology

    Improve Student Performance: Revel's quizzes and educator dashboard help measure progress and adjust teaching strategies to support student success. The Revel Mobile app lets instructors monitor their students’ progress away from the classroom.

    “I like the ability to see how much of my class is submitting their assignments and where there’s low activity.” Those are very helpful. I like being able to identify what is challenging them.” – Daniella Cope, Pennsylvania Highlands Community College

    Enable Anywhere, Anytime Learning: With the Revel app, students can learn on the go, because students today need flexibility and accessibility.

    “Being able to open their textbook on their smartphone or tablet, having earbuds and listening to the text, highlighting something to export later, those things help. Having the textbook at their fingers and being able to listen to something really reinforces what they have already read. It is a great benefit to students, and it provides reinforcement to what they are learning, so that’s the most successful part, I would say.” – Dr. Erica Wattley, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology

    Deliver World-Class Content: Revel enlivens expert subject matter with interactive elements, promoting an immersive experience that helps students better understand and apply what they're learning.

    “I always look for the Cadillac version of something because that will give me all the bells and whistles that I need to be able to use and be very proficient in the course. If I don’t have the instructor resources, then I am spending all my time just reading the book and tailoring the course to this particular text. I don’t have enough time, then, to actually do the engagement aspect that makes the course more beneficial to the students. Having those resources as a baseline and then elevating from there is why I keep coming back to Revel, over and over again.” – Dr Antoinette Maldonado-Devincci, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

    Learn more about Revel >

    Take a look at our new Revel video below.

Webinars & events

Check out live webinars and on-demand recordings to hear from educators as they share teaching strategies and ideas.

“Overall, Revel really helps keep students engaged, so their performance improves. When we were in a standard class where I gave paper and pencil quizzes, they ran towards a B- average. With Revel, they are pushing towards an A-. I think it’s because the embedded quizzes help keep them focused and help reinforce comprehension. That improves their confidence and improves their mood.”

– David Kiracofe, full-time professor of History at a two-year school in the southeast