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1. Introduction to Microbiology
Introduction to Microbiology
Introduction to Taxonomy
Scientific Naming of Organisms
Members of the Bacterial World
Introduction to Bacteria
Introduction to Archaea
Introduction to Eukarya
Acellular Infectious Agents: Viruses, Viroids & Prions
Importance of Microorganisms
Scientific Method
Experimental DesignÂ
2. Disproving Spontaneous Generation
Introduction to Spontaneous Generation
Francesco Redi's Experiments
Needham vs. Spallanzani
Pasteur's Experiments on Spontaneous Generation
John Tyndall's Experiment
History of Spontaneous Generation Summarized
3. Chemical Principles of Microbiology
Atoms- Smallest Unit of MatterÂ
Introduction to Chemical Bonding
Covalent Bonds
Noncovalent Bonds
Ionic Bonding
Hydrogen Bonding
4. Water
Introduction to Water
Properties of Water- Cohesion and Adhesion
Properties of Water- Density
Properties of Water- Thermal
Properties of Water- The Universal Solvent
Acids and Bases
pH Scale
5. Molecules of Microbiology
Functional Groups
Introduction to Biomolecules
Monomers & Polymers
Nucleic Acids
6. Cell Membrane & Transport
Cell Envelope & Biological Membranes
Bacterial & Eukaryotic Cell Membranes
Archaeal Cell Membranes
Types of Membrane Proteins
Concentration Gradients and Diffusion
Introduction to Membrane Transport
Passive vs. Active Transport
Simple and Facilitated Diffusion
Active Transport
ABC Transporters
Group Translocation
Types of Small Molecule Transport Review
Endocytosis and Exocytosis
7. Prokaryotic Cell Structures & Functions
Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Cells
Binary Fission
Generation Times
Bacterial Cell Morphology & Arrangements
Overview of Prokaryotic Cell Structure
Introduction to Bacterial Cell Walls
Gram-Positive Cell Walls
Gram-Negative Cell Walls
Gram-Positive vs. Gram-Negative Cell Walls
The Glycocalyx: Capsules & Slime Layers
Introduction to Biofilms
Fimbriae & Hami
Introduction to Prokaryotic Flagella
Prokaryotic Flagellar Structure
Prokaryotic Flagellar Movement
Proton Motive Force Drives Flagellar Motility
Review of Prokaryotic Surface Structures
Prokaryotic Ribosomes
Introduction to Bacterial Plasmids
Cell Inclusions
8. Eukaryotic Cell Structures & Functions
Mitosis & Meiosis
Introduction to Eukaryotic Organelles
Endomembrane System: Protein Secretion
Endomembrane System: Digestive Organelles
Mitochondria & Chloroplasts
Endosymbiotic Theory
Introduction to the Cytoskeleton
Eukaryotic Cilia & Flagella
Cell Junctions
9. Microscopes
Introduction to Microscopes
Magnification, Resolution, & Contrast
Introduction to Light Microscopy
Light Microscopy: Bright-Field Microscopes
Light Microscopes that Increase Contrast
Light Microscopes that Detect Fluorescence
Electron Microscopes
Reviewing the Different Types of Microscopes
Introduction to Staining
Simple Staining
Differential Staining
Other Types of Staining
Reviewing the Types of Staining
Gram Stain
10. Dynamics of Microbial Growth
Growing a Pure Culture
Microbial Growth Curves in a Closed System
Temperature Requirements for Microbial Growth
Oxygen Requirements for Microbial Growth
pH Requirements for Microbial Growth
Osmolarity Factors for Microbial Growth
Reviewing the Environmental Factors of Microbial Growth
Nutritional Factors of Microbial Growth
Growth Factors
Introduction to Cultivating Microbial Growth
Types of Solid Culture Media
Plating Methods
Measuring Growth by Direct Cell Counts
Measuring Growth by Plate Counts
Measuring Growth by Membrane Filtration
Measuring Growth by Biomass
Introduction to the Types of Culture Media
Chemically Defined Media
Complex Media
Selective Media
Differential Media
Reducing Media
Enrichment Media
Reviewing the Types of Culture Media
11. Controlling Microbial Growth
Introduction to Controlling Microbial Growth
Selecting a Method to Control Microbial Growth
Physical Methods to Control Microbial Growth
Review of Physical Methods to Control Microbial Growth
Chemical Methods to Control Microbial Growth
Chemicals Used to Control Microbial Growth
Liquid Chemicals: Alcohols, Aldehydes, & Biguanides
Liquid Chemicals: Halogens
Liquid Chemicals: Surface-Active Agents
Other Types of Liquid Chemicals
Chemical Gases: Ethylene Oxide, Ozone, & Formaldehyde
Review of Chemicals Used to Control Microbial Growth
Chemical Preservation of Perishable Products
12. Microbial Metabolism
Introduction to Energy
Laws of Thermodynamics
Chemical Reactions
Enzyme Activation Energy
Enzyme Binding Factors
Enzyme Inhibition
Introduction to Metabolism
Negative & Positive Feedback
Redox Reactions
Introduction to Aerobic Cellular Respiration
Types of Phosphorylation
Entner-Doudoroff Pathway
Pentose-Phosphate Pathway
Pyruvate Oxidation
Krebs Cycle
Electron Transport Chain
Review of Aerobic Cellular Respiration
Fermentation & Anaerobic Respiration
13. Photosynthesis
Introduction to Photosynthesis
Leaf & Chloroplast Anatomy
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Pigments of Photosynthesis
Stages of Photosynthesis
Light Reactions of Photosynthesis
Cyclic vs. Non-Cyclic Photophosphorylation
Calvin Cycle
Prokaryotic Photosynthesis
14. DNA Replication
The Griffith Experiment
The Hershey-Chase Experiment
Chargaff's Rules
Discovering the Structure of DNA
Meselson-Stahl Experiment
Introduction to DNA Replication
DNA Polymerases
Leading & Lagging DNA Strands
Steps of DNA Replication
DNA Repair
15. Central Dogma & Gene Regulation
Central Dogma
Introduction to Transcription
Steps of Transcription
Transcription Termination in Prokaryotes
Eukaryotic RNA Processing and Splicing
Introduction to Types of RNA
Genetic Code
Introduction to Translation
Steps of Translation
Review of Transcription vs. Translation
Prokaryotic Gene Expression
Review of Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Gene Expression
Introduction to Regulation of Gene Expression
Prokaryotic Gene Regulation via Operons
The Lac Operon
Glucose's Impact on Lac Operon
The Trp Operon
Review of the Lac Operon & Trp Operon
Introduction to Eukaryotic Gene Regulation
Eukaryotic Chromatin Modifications
Eukaryotic Transcriptional Control
Eukaryotic Post-Transcriptional Regulation
Post-Translational Modification
Eukaryotic Post-Translational Regulation
16. Microbial Genetics
Introduction to Microbial Genetics
Introduction to Mutations
Methods of Inducing Mutations
Prototrophs vs. Auxotrophs
Mutant Detection
The Ames Test
Introduction to DNA Repair
DNA Repair Mechanisms
Horizontal Gene Transfer
Bacterial Transformation
Introduction to Conjugation
Conjugation: F Plasmids
Conjugation: Hfr & F' Cells
Genome Variability
17. Biotechnology
Introduction to DNA-Based Technology
Introduction to DNA Cloning
Steps to DNA Cloning
Introduction to Polymerase Chain Reaction
The Steps of PCR
Gel Electrophoresis
Southern Blotting
DNA Fingerprinting
Introduction to DNA Sequencing
Dideoxy Sequencing
18. Viruses, Viroids, & Prions
Introduction to Viruses
Introduction to Bacteriophage Infections
Bacteriophage: Lytic Phage Infections
Bacteriophage: Lysogenic Phage Infections
Bacteriophage: Filamentous Phage Infections
Plaque Assays
Introduction to Animal Virus Infections
Animal Viruses: 1. Attachment to the Host Cell
Animal Viruses: 2. Entry & Uncoating in the Host Cell
Animal Viruses: 3. Synthesis & Replication
Animal Viruses: DNA Virus Synthesis & Replication
Animal Viruses: RNA Virus Synthesis & Replication
Animal Viruses: Antigenic Drift vs. Antigenic Shift
Animal Viruses: Reverse-Transcribing Virus Synthesis & Replication
Animal Viruses: 4. Assembly Inside Host Cell
Animal Viruses: 5. Release from Host Cell
Acute vs. Persistent Viral Infections
Plant Viruses
19. Innate Immunity
Introduction to Immunity
Introduction to Innate Immunity
Introduction to First-Line Defenses
Physical Barriers in First-Line Defenses: Skin
Physical Barriers in First-Line Defenses: Mucous Membrane
First-Line Defenses: Chemical Barriers
First-Line Defenses: Normal Microflora
Introduction to Cells of the Immune System
Cells of the Immune System: Granulocytes
Cells of the Immune System: Agranulocytes
Introduction to Cell Communication
Cell Communication: Surface Receptors & Adhesion Molecules
Cell Communication: Cytokines
Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs)
Introduction to the Complement System
Activation Pathways of the Complement System
Effects of the Complement System
Review of the Complement System
Introduction to Inflammation
Steps of the Inflammatory Response
Interferon Response
20. Adaptive Immunity
Introduction to Adaptive Immunity
Introduction to T Lymphocytes
Major Histocompatibility Complex Molecules
Activation of T Lymphocytes
Functions of T Lymphocytes
Review of Cytotoxic vs Helper T Cells
Introduction to B Lymphocytes
Classes of Antibodies
Outcomes of Antibody Binding to Antigen
T Dependent & T Independent Antigens
Clonal Selection
Antibody Class Switching
Affinity Maturation
Primary and Secondary Response of Adaptive Immunity
Immune Tolerance
Regulatory T Cells
Natural Killer Cells
Review of Adaptive Immunity
21. Principles of Disease
Symbiotic Relationships
The Human Microbiome
Characteristics of Infectious Disease
Stages of Infectious Disease Progression
Koch's Postulates
Molecular Koch's Postulates
Bacterial Pathogenesis
Introduction to Pathogenic Toxins
Exotoxins Cause Damage to the Host
Endotoxin Causes Damage to the Host
Exotoxins vs. Endotoxin Review
Immune Response Damage to the Host
Introduction to Avoiding Host Defense Mechanisms
1) Hide Within Host Cells
2) Avoiding Phagocytosis
3) Surviving Inside Phagocytic Cells
4) Avoiding Complement System
5) Avoiding Antibodies
Viruses Evade the Immune Response
2. Disproving Spontaneous Generation
Francesco Redi's Experiments Practice Problems
2. Disproving Spontaneous Generation
Francesco Redi's Experiments Practice Problems
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