Learn how sociological maps can enhance sociology education by revealing geographic patterns in race, class, gender, and politics from John Macionis, celebrated author and professor.
Discover how generative AI and LLMs are revolutionizing engineering! Join Joseph Wilck and explore the impact of these technologies on project management, team collaboration, and decision-making.
Get new insights on study habits and discover how Pearson's AI-powered tool supports student success. You’ll also gain actionable strategies for personalized learning and academic achievement.
Join us for an exploration of MapMaster 3, a powerful tool with over 500 data sets that enhances spatial reasoning and critical thinking for all learners, including those with accommodation needs.
Engage in an evidence-based review on preparing teachers in child development led by Professor Emerita Teresa McDevitt, who will examine educational strategies from Child Development and Education.
Learn how to teach climate change in astronomy from authors and experts in the field. Explore strategies to inspire students, foster dialogue, and leverage Mastering® Astronomy resources.
Discover the latest nutrition insights from Pearson author Dr. Janice Thompson. She discusses personalized health strategies, microbiome trends, and weight-loss innovations that optimize wellbeing.
Explore the future of economics with experts Roger LeRoy Miller and Thomas Knight. They discuss recent developments, AI's impact, and the new learning tools in the latest edition of their textbook.
Revolutionize anatomy and physiology learning with Pearson's Interactive Labs. Dr. Yvonne Baptiste demonstrates how to leverage these labs to boost student engagement and understanding.
Join Matt Gerner from the University of Arkansas to discover how Learning Catalytics enhances active learning and assessments, fostering student collaboration and engagement in college courses.
Dive into data from the 2024 presidential election with sociology professor John Macionis. Discover how different categories of the population voted and what impact this had on the election results.
Join Nicole Coomber to explore how experiential learning equips students with the skills and knowledge needed for career readiness. Discover effective strategies to enhance classroom engagement.