Pandemic Balancing Act: Maximizing Support for Students While Minimizing Instructor Burnout

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Join Drs. Danae Hudson and Brooke Whisenhunt of Missouri State University for a discussion on how instructors can manage the extra academic workload and support their students during this unusual time.  

Danae Hudson and Brooke Whisenhunt, Missouri State University

The spring and fall semesters of 2020 have presented many unique challenges for instructors and students. Instructors have changed course modalities, introduced new technologies, modified assignments, and even become de facto sources of social/emotional support for their students. How can instructors manage the extra academic workload in addition to increased responsibilities/stressors at home? Furthermore, how can instructors support their students during this unusual time while maintaining their own physical and mental health? Join clinical psychologists and fellow COVID-19 instructors, Danae Hudson and Brooke Whisenhunt for a discussion of these issues and practical suggestions for balancing these two important priorities.

