Events List

This is to show new concept ideas for the Events page. This is one example.

Middle of a field
Iowa City, Iowa

In Person

This is to show new concept ideas for the Events page. This is one example.

Middle of a field
Dyersville, Iowa

In Person

Join us in Scottsdale for Now/Next in learning.

Scottsdale, AZ

In Person

ASU+GSV Summit 2019 marked another year of collaboration and inspiration from the world’s leading minds in work and ed tech.

Manchester Grand Hyatt​, San Diego, CA​

In Person

Join K-12 digital learning practitioners, researchers, and policymakers at the inaugural Digital Learning Annual Conference (DLAC). Attend breakout sessions, share best practices and lessons learned, and walk away with actionable changes.

Austin, TX

In Person

Join us for the inaugural Digital Learning Annual Conference to learn from K–12 digital learning practitioners, researchers, and policymakers and share your ideas and experiences with others on similar journeys.

Hyatt Regency Austin, Austin, Texas

In Person

Organized by District Administration magazine, join other school district superintendents and senior education executives for high-level networking and professional development in key topics related to K–12 leadership, including technology, special education, curriculum and assessment, and business and finance

Marriott Resort and Spa, Coronado, CA

In Person

Visit Pearson’s booth at EDUCAUSE to learn more about the cutting-edge work in digital learning that Pearson and partners are collaborating on to improve access and affordability for students, arming them for success.

Colorado Convention Center, Denver, CO
Booth #723

In Person

iNACOL’s annual conference is the industry’s leading event shaping the future of K–12 education. Through thought-provoking sessions and information-sharing, become equipped to shape the future of education.

Nashville Music City Center, Nashville, TN

In Person