Join Collin College Professor Rebecca Orr to learn how to use Ready to Go active learning modules in your biology classroom.
Join Northwest Mississippi Community College Professors Melissa L. Greene and Robin Robison to discover how to overcome common challenges in the A&P lab.
Join Professor Eric Simon of New England College for a discussion on teaching techniques to help today's students.
Join Terry Austin to learn more about the new GapFinder tool in Mastering™ A&P.
Using Digital Learning to Flip a Non-majors Biology Course and Create a Student-centered Environment
Join Stacy Ochoa from University of California, San Diego and Morgan Mouchka from University of California, San Diego as they share their experience of redesigning and implementing a large-lecture course, General Biology.
Join Brad Mehrtens from University of Illinois to discuss how a majors biology auditorium of 600+ students can be transformed into a more active learning environment using technologies both advanced and simple.
Join Lourdes Norman-McKay from Florida State College-Jacksonville to learn about the latest research on how growth mindset affects student success and persistence, and acquire strategies for fostering growth mindset in the classroom to promote S.T.E.M. education.
Join Dr. Cerrone Foster of East Tennessee State University to discuss how you can use and implement Pearson’s Early Alerts to identify struggling students early enough to intervene.
Join Terry Austin of Pearson to explore Pearson's suite of digital tools for your human anatomy lab.
Join Dr. Shawn Macauley of Muskegon Community College, to discuss what it takes to create a safe and fair online learning environment.
Join Dr. Eric Simon of New England College to discuss tips and insights for making your course more student-centric.
Join Terry Austin of Pearson to learn more about Early Alerts, and how it can give you the advantage you need for early intervention.