The One-Semester A&P Student: Overcoming the Challenge of Being Underprepared
Dr. Suzanne Keller of Indian Hills Community College shares new ideas for preparing A&P students to learn new vocabulary, understand tough A&P topics, and link concepts between systems all without sacrificing the material.
Dr. Suzanne Keller, Indian Hills Community College
The majority of one-semester A&P students are underprepared, and A&P will be the first college-level science class for many of these students. Study skills are often lacking. How do we prepare this student population to learn new vocabulary, understand tough A&P topics, and link concepts between systems all without sacrificing the material? Dr. Suzanne Keller has taught the one-semester A&P course for eight years and will share how she tackles these challenges. Attendees will leave with new ideas to implement in their own classrooms.