Dr. Jeff Manza, New York University
Jeff Manza is Professor of Sociology at New York University. An award-winning teacher, his research examines how different types of social identities and inequalities influence political processes such as voting, partisanship, and public opinion (at both the macro and micro level). He is the co-author (with Chris Uggen) of Locked Out: Felon Disenfranchisement and American Democracy (Oxford University Press 2006), and three books with Clem Brooks: Social Cleavages and Political Change (Oxford University Press, 1999), Why Welfare States Persist (University of Chicago Press, 2007); and Whose Rights? Counterterrorism and the Dark Side of American Public Opinion (Russell Sage Foundation Press, 2013). Manza and Brooks are currently completing a book on the trends and underlying mechanisms of public attitudes towards categorical versus economic inequality, entitled The Two Inequalities: Public Responses to Categorical and Economic Inequalities for Oxford University Press. He also coordinates The Sociology Project, a collaborative series of introductory textbooks in Sociology co-authored by Manza and other members of the Department. Two titles have been released so far, The Sociology Project: An Introduction to the Sociological Imagination and Social Problems.