Help Students Effectively Learn From Videos
Jessica Bernards and Wendy Fresh discuss tips and strategies for effectively watching a video for learning.
Jessica Bernards, Portland Community College
Wendy Fresh, Portland Community College
Watching videos for learning isn't as simple as watching a video for leisure. This presentation will go over tips and strategies that you can use to help your students learn how to effectively watch a video for learning. Tips include, video guided notes, headphones, brain breaks, avoiding tech distractions such as phone notifications, social media, etc.
About the speakers

Jessica Bernards and Wendy Fresh, Portland Community College
Jessica Bernards has been teaching mathematics since 2005 and Wendy since 1992. Both began their careers at the high school level before transitioning to the college level. Jessica and Wendy have taught a wide range of classes from developmental math through calculus, both on campus, remote, hybrid and online. Additionally, they have developed a free Math Study Skills Program, which is now used across the nation. They are also authors for Pearson Education.