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Designing for Interaction: Creating Innovative Applications and Devices, 2nd edition
Published by New Riders (September 25, 2009) © 2010
- Dan Saffer
- Available for purchase from all major ebook resellers, including InformIT.com
Price Reduced From: $55.00
- A print text
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- Also available for purchase as an ebook from all major ebook resellers, including InformIT.com
Interaction design is all around us. If you’ve ever wondered why your mobile phone looks pretty but doesn’t work well, you’ve confronted bad interaction design. But if you’ve ever marveled at the joy of using an iPhone, shared your photos on Flickr, used an ATM machine, recorded a television show on TiVo, or ordered a movie off Netflix, you’ve encountered good interaction design: products that work as well as they look.
Interaction design is the new field that defines how our interactive products behave. Between the technology that powers our devices and the visual and industrial design that creates the products’ aesthetics lies the practice that figures out how to make our products useful, usable, and desirable. This thought-provoking new edition of Designing for Interaction offers the perspective of one of the most respected experts in the field, Dan Saffer.
Interaction design is the new field that defines how our interactive products behave. Between the technology that powers our devices and the visual and industrial design that creates the products’ aesthetics lies the practice that figures out how to make our products useful, usable, and desirable. This thought-provoking new edition of Designing for Interaction offers the perspective of one of the most respected experts in the field, Dan Saffer.
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