Marketing Plan Handbook, The, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (December 21, 2012) © 2014

  • Marian Burk Wood


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For marketing courses that focus on creating a marketing plan.
A step-by-step guide to creating a customized marketing plan.
The Marketing Plan Handbook
is the only planning handbook to guide readers, step-by-step, through the complete development of a realistic, customized marketing plan.

Your Marketing Plan, Step By Step appears at the end of every chapter. By answering the questions and following up on the suggested data sources, students will have a head start in gathering information and analysing alternatives for their plans. Students will also find fresh perspectives on the practical application of key marketing concepts. No matter what kind of marketing plan they are creating, these features help generate ideas and think about critical issues.

Real-World View of Marketing Planning: This edition contains dozens of new examples that illustrate how marketing planning is actually conducted in consumer and business markets, large and small companies, traditional and online businesses, U.S. and international firms, and not-for-profit organisations.

Sample Marketing Plan: PretzL Elegance. Based on a fictional startup company, this case study gives students an idea of how a typical marketing plan is organised and presented. The plan covers how a company might analyse market needs and trends, examine environmental factors, look at the competitive situation, and set objectives to be achieved. It also touches on segmentation, targeting, and positioning; the variety of marketing strategies and programs needed to launch a new product; and some of the metrics used in evaluating marketing performance.

Model of the Marketing Plan Process: A new conceptual model, introduced in Chapter 1, guides students through the process of creating a marketing plan, which is repeated in all ten chapters, and serves as a “you are here” map for the book’s topics. Use this model to visualise the connections between the steps and to focus on the three key outcomes of any marketing plan: to provide value, build relationships, and make a difference to stakeholders.

Checklists ensure that students’ marketing plans cover all the basics. In every chapter, Checklists summarise key areas that need to be examined. As students answer the questions, they get good ideas for creating a realistic marketing plan, gain insights into the complexities of the planning process, and identify specific details for follow-up later in the process. Topics include:

  • Understanding the big picture for marketing planning
  • Analysing the current marketing situation
  • Analysing markets and customers
  • Identifying and evaluating market segments
  • Setting marketing plan objectives
  • Analysing and planning product strategy
  • Planning pricing strategy
  • Channel and logistics issues
  • Planning marketing communications
  • Planning a marketing audit

Practical Planning Tips in the margin help students make the transition from theory to application. These emphasise various practical aspects of planning and mention specific issues or questions to consider at each step in the process.

New Sample Marketing Plan. The new sample marketing plan for PretzL Elegance, a fictional startup, serves as a model for summarizing the current marketing situation, planning for marketing-mix activities, and preparing to measure results.
New Examples of Marketing Plans in Action
. Reflecting real-world decisions and challenges, this edition includes dozens of new examples of consumer and B2B marketing, goods and services marketing, traditional and digital marketing, U.S. and global marketing, not-for-profit marketing, and marketing by governmental agencies.
New Coverage of Contemporary Concepts, Trends, and Technologies
. Coverage of cocreation, group buying, mass customization, mobile marketing, multichannel marketing, neuromarketing, showrooming, social gifting, social media, and other important new marketing developments.
New QR Codes to Showcase Online Marketing
. Every chapter includes at least five QR codes, scannable by smartphone app, leading to the home pages of companies, nonprofits, and government agencies. By following the QR codes or entering the URLs provided in the text, you will see how marketers present themselves online and take a peek at a few key sites that marketers should know.
Newly Revised Checklists
. Every chapter contains a newly revised checklist to focus attention on the most critical aspects of marketing planning, from the situation analysis to the marketing audit. Answer the checklist questions to step through the details of preparing a marketing plan.
New PowerPoint Presentation
. For classroom use, the presentation has been thoroughly updated to detail all the steps in the marketing process, with special emphasis on the latest marketing concepts and techniques.

Brief Contents

  • Preface
  1. Marketing Planning: New Pace, New Possibilities
  2. Analyzing the Current Situation
  3. Understanding Markets and Customers
  4. Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning
  5. Planning Direction, Objectives, and Marketing Support
  6. Developing Product and Brand Strategy
  7. Developing Pricing Strategy
  8. Developing Channel and Logistics Strategy
  9. Developing Marketing Communications and Influence Strategy
  10. Planning Metrics and Implementation Control

Appendix. Sample Marketing Plan: PretzL Elegance




Marian Burk Wood has held vice presidential-level positions in corporate and not-for-profit marketing with Citibank, JP Morgan Chase, and the National Retail Federation, as well as management positions with national retail chains. In addition to The Marketing Plan Handbook, she is the author of Essential Guide to Marketing Planning and Marketing Planning: Principles into Practice, both geared to the European market.

Wood holds an MBA in marketing from Long Island University in New York and a BA from the City University of New York. She has extensive practical experience in marketing planning, having formulated and implemented dozens of marketing plans for a variety of goods and services. She has also developed numerous chapters, cases, sample plans, exercises, and print and digital supplements for college textbooks in marketing, advertising, and related disciplines. Her special interests in marketing include social media, ethics, segmentation, channels, and B2B marketing.

Please visit her marketing blog at

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