Learning Makes Us Webinar Series: Strategies for Improving Student Engagement and Success in an Introductory Environmental Science Course

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Students enter the introductory environmental science course with a variety of skills, interests and prerequisite knowledge, and this can often be challenging for any instructor. In this webinar, Pearson authors and specialists in teaching the introductory environmental science course, Jason Neff and Norm Christensen, will share easy to implement techniques to improve student performance and encourage student engagement with course content among all students


Students enter the introductory environmental science course with a variety of skills, interests and prerequisite knowledge, and this can often be challenging for any instructor. In this webinar, Pearson authors and specialists in teaching the introductory environmental science course, Jason Neff and Norm Christensen, will share easy to implement techniques to improve student performance and encourage student engagement with course content among all students.


Dr. Jason Neff, University of Colorado – Boulder Professor, Norm Christensen, Duke University


