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  • Two people skydiving in tandem. They are both making a heart shape with their hands.

    Taking a Leap of Faith

    Victoria Guerrero

    Taking a leap of faith may sound terrifying to some, but for me, it was the solution to conquering my fear of taking risks. Jumping out of a plane was the most exhilarating experience of my life. Skydiving had always been a life goal of mine, but I never had the courage to go through with it. However, when the opportunity to go skydiving arose, I knew it would be now or never. Putting it off for so long, I finally decided to book my ticket.

    Entering the skydiving office, I was a nervous wreck, as I navigated through several waivers and safety videos. The agonizing wait followed, along with the second thoughts. I kept thinking, “it’s not too late to turn around.” However, I knew I needed to follow through with this. After hours of waiting, the moment of intense anticipation was here as we counted down and jumped.

    Plummeting to the ground at 120 mph, every thought I had before exited my brain. The only thought I had through my mind was how beautiful the Earth looked from 14,000 feet in the air. The fear others have towards skydiving seemed insignificant compared to what I had just experienced. This experience was more than checking off a bucket list item, it gave me confidence. Doing something that most people are afraid to do made me feel like I have missed out on so many other life opportunities due to fear. I know now I can do anything if I can jump out of a plane.

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