BTEC blog

  • Esports unit 1

    A Year in the Life of Teaching Esports BTEC: Time to Stop Talking!

    This is the fourth in a series of blog posts by lecturer, consultant, and teacher of esports, Nik Turner.

    After having spent around three weeks trying to switch the mindset of the students from ‘gaming to esports’ it was time to start delivering ‘Unit 1: Introduction to Esports’ from the Pearson’s specification.

  • Sport participants high-fiving

    Sport isn't only about exercise

    I know it sounds like a strange thing to say - of course participating in any sporting activity or event is, usually, partaking in exercise. But I believe that exercise is just the start of a long list of reasons as to why everyone — young children, teenagers and adults alike — should regularly take part in sports. On 25 September, we’ll be celebrating National Fitness Day across the country. It’s really important for both young people and adults to have a healthy relationship with sport and fitness.