LGBT+ inclusion

Spotlight on...

Mark Segal: Stonewall 1969 and beyond

Mark Segal

Born in 1951, Philadelphia, pioneering gay activist Mark Segal fought for global LGBT+ rights. We’re honoured to have Mark share his inspiring story.

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  • Black Singers and Folk Ballads – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Folk Music

    At Pearson we are committed to equity and opportunity for all learners. We strive to create educational content and learning environments that reflect the diversity of the modern world, are accessible and help all learners achieve without limits. As part of our work in Music qualifications, we are talking to musicians and industry partners to understand the implications of diversity, equity, and inclusion across different genres and practices within this creative subject to inform future development across these qualifications. To learn more about the importance of DE&I in Folk Music, Pearson interviewed professional folk musician and author of the teaching resource Black Singers and Folk Ballads, Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne and the Education Director at the English Folk Dance and Song Society, Rachel Elliott.

  • No time to say “we don’t have time” when it comes to diversity in literature

    Knee-jerk: “a quick reaction that does not allow you time to consider something carefully”

    When a topic or issue becomes very present in the public eye (often despite having always been of paramount importance, as is the case with genuine diversity and inclusion in education) or it begins to feel more urgent, there can be pressure to actively resist or even just to react.