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    Tips for studying Asian languages: Video Blog

    Mai Chi Nguyen

    This mini video blog series will share tips to successfully study Asian languages. In this short video blog series, Mai will walk you through how to set a mindset, address common challenges, and point out useful tips to help successfully master Asian languages.


    Part 1


    Part 2


    Part 3

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    My Mentor, My Friend: Dr. Bonita Leavell

    Victoria Bankowski

    I sat in my first chemistry class and listened to my instructor talk about a former student she had given a letter of recommendation to. That student was accepted into all three of the Ivy League universities she applied to. From that point forward, I found myself dreaming of ways that I might land myself a spot in a classroom at one of the Ivy League schools. Whether it was a summer research program offered, or a transfer scholarship to complete my bachelor’s degree, I passed the time away trying to imagine ways I could turn this dream into reality. Dr. Leavell made me feel in my heart that I, too, could go to one of the top universities in the United States. I was inspired and set my sights on attending Johns Hopkins University (JHU).  It was because of the way Dr. Leavell spoke to me that I felt that I could transfer from my community college to an Ivy League school if I worked really hard.

    Dr. Leavell inspired and motivated me to reach for my dreams and apply to transfer to a top school. She helped me realize my capabilities. Dr. Leavell taught me the importance of learning in a way that is smart and effective. When Dr. Leavell talked about her previous students, she was so proud and it was so great to hear about other students who were successful. I feel that it’s important to have a professor and mentor who shares examples and inspires students to go for their dreams. Dr. Leavell is a gem and she is one of the finest professors who taught at my community college.

    Dr. Leavell is an inspiration. She encouraged me to succeed. She changed my mindset. I went from believing that I would never go to a top notch school to believing that I was as capable of attending an Ivy League. Especially when my professors gave examples of other students who were in my seat from years before. It was Dr. Leavell who turned my thinking around and inspired me.  She inspired me to apply for the Jack Kent Cooke Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship to help me pay for an education that I knew that I could not afford.  I began applying to lots of different schools to transfer to.  In March, I received a letter stating I was selected as a semifinalist for the top ranked Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship.  I realized that even if I don’t get selected for this prestigious honor, I am still a winner. I did not get into Johns Hopkins University. However, I was so excited to get into the University of Michigan Ann Arbor on a full tuition scholarship and doing very well.

    I spent my life filled with self-doubt. It was Dr. Leavell’s belief in me that allowed me to understand and focus on the prize, along with helping me transform my insecurity into confidence and determination.

    It is very important that students recognize their mentors.  Especially educators who go to work every day for the students benefit. There is not a day that passes that I don’t think twice about the impact she made on me. It is equally important that I tell her how important she was in getting me to believe in myself. Dr. Leavell, I want to say thank you so very much for the lesson you have taught me.  I will never forget you.   I will cherish the thought of you, in my heart for the rest of my life. I hope not to disappoint you, for you are such a very important determining factor in my success. Thank you!


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    Speaking From Experience

    Alexis Phayakapong

    Writing this as I am finishing my Spring semester of my second year of my college career is incredibly euphoric. The person who I have grown into today has been through many ups and downs: academically, mentally, emotionally, socially, you name it! My experiences these last few years have opened my eyes and made me want to find a way to (hopefully) inspire someone to be a bit more aware about things you will encounter as a college student. Of course everyone is going down different paths with their respective majors but in all honesty, there is so much overlap with us all because college is a diverse playing field that you learn to navigate.

    My main piece of advice is to make sure that you are as open as possible your freshman year. Be open to new ideas, new food choices, new landscapes, and most importantly, seeing yourself and others differently. You have been surrounded by the same people for years and you feel like you might know who you are and what you are capable of – however, by being open to new ideas you might be surprised to find a new side of yourself! What college has taught me is that you can never be too sure of the future. Not everything is predictable or concrete. There will always be things that surprise you.

    Some of the greatest memories that I have made have been because I put my anxieties to the side for a moment and just tried something new. At first, I felt like I did not belong on my campus because I just could not seem to make friends with the right people and being that I am multi-racial, I felt like I was underrepresented. However, what kept me motivated at SDSU were the professors, and my hometown friends encouraging me to find the right people in which to surround myself.

    I continued to pursue what I love: fashion, brunch and marketing. I applied for the Marketing Committee and delightfully was accepted. I finally found a place to really expand my reach throughout the student body.

    I struggled with making sure I was investing my time at the right place. Who you decide to live with in the dorms is a big decision, and therefore it’s also important to keep an open mind about your potential roommate options.  There will be different people in your life –  classmates, people you hang out with, and true unconditional friendship that consist of meaningful conversations.  Having all three in one individual is rare so it’s important that you are able to differentiate between them all.

    Let people learn who they are as you learn who you are, and let that be enough. That goes with friendships, diets, relationships, and most of all, academics. I let issues in my dorm life take too much of a toll on me that it affected my learning in Business Calculus, which resulted in me retaking the course this past Fall. Although I had to retake the course, I am proud to say that I learned the material, went to office hours and retained it so much more this Fall than I would have had I just tried to pass the course.

    Failures and good experiences are just a few ingredients that are bound to be included for your Freshman year but I will leave you with a quote from my favorite Comm 101 professor, Master Rapp: “Be vulnerable. Allow yourself that much, without vulnerability, you will not allow love into your life and that is the biggest inconvenience you could do to yourself.”


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    Find a Mentor in Anyone - Including yourself!

    Amanda Smith

    A mentor is defined as “a trusted counselor or guide” (Merriam-Webster). Throughout my life, I have looked for a mentor in all that I do, and have always tried to reciprocate it. Mentors come in all kinds of forms, whether they are defined as a mentor or not. My first mentors were my parents and my grandparents. Family often shapes morals, values, actions, mentalities, and much more from a young age. My family enforced the idea of working hard while always finding time for the important parts of life. As I began school, teachers and friends became mentors. Seeing how my teachers cared for myself and my peers enforced the importance of compassion in my life. Throughout high school and now in college, my friends have become my mentors and my mentors have become my friends.

    As I have gotten older, I have realized that mentors are not always 20 years older who are assigned the role of guidance. My roommates have acted as mentors in classes that we are taking, or decisions about internships and the professional process, or even just building habits such as eating healthy and exercising. Besides being the same age, mentors can be younger as well. I have met various people this year at school who are younger than myself and have such a drive and passion for life that they have inspired me to continue to work towards my goals.

    With each day passing, I look for an opportunity to work in someone else’s life as a mentor, even if it is just in the smallest way.  This semester I have had the opportunity to be the Vice President of Pledge Education for my business fraternity as I have led 17 students through the pledging process preparing to be an active member. My goal for this role was to develop them professionally and personally as much as possible. At first, I found difficulty in this as I have not had as many experiences due to my young age. Throughout this whole process, I learned that there is nothing wrong in asking for help. I have greatly utilized older members of our chapter for various professional events that I planned, because the more well-rounded an event is, the more useful it is for the pledges. Even acting as a mentor this semester, I have had various mentors and learned more about leadership than what I ever could have imagined.

    Throughout the rest of my life, I will utilize the lessons I have learned from my mentors for the past, but always search for more mentors in all that I do. Everyone has a story, and each story has a lesson from it, good or bad. If you are in search of guidance, a mentor is always there to help, even if they do not come across as that right away.


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    Dealing with the Stress of Finals Week

    Brian Weaver

    Coping with stress may seem like a bearable task, but finals week offers a completely different scenario. We all know the struggles of late nights in the library, excessive amounts of coffee, and constant fear of failure, but there has to be an escape. To survive finals week, you need to take a break; find some way your mind can forget the numbers and vocabulary pressing on the overall health of your mind. Without a break, stress can overcome your whole life. With a few tips, you can fight the stress and go through finals week with ease and peace of mind.

    What is that one hobby, one activity that gives you the euphoric sense of no stress? For me, it’s a round of golf and just being in the sun on a nice South Carolina day. Outside, no amount of schoolwork can ruin my happiness. It is valuable to create the time to do the things that make you drop your worries, as forgetting about the stress is vital to protecting your mind. Oversaturation of information will not only create more stress, but it will make the information harder to retain.

    Lastly, do not be afraid to get some sleep or take a nap. Too many of my friends spend their nights in the library, get 4 hours of sleep, then do it all over again. No amount of caffeine will give you the focus you need to get through finals. Rather, it will slowly break down your ability to think critically, degrading your overall mental health. Find 20 minutes to close your eyes, clear your thoughts, and replenish your focus for the studying ahead.

    As much as these steps are important, there may not be feasible time to get away from school. So how do you relieve the stress without getting away from the problem? Studying for finals is stressful by nature, but there are a few ways to ease your mind during the prep work for this dreaded week. Though it may seem less productive, study with peers. Not only is it helpful to bounce questions off those who are in the same classes, but getting off topic can be a great method to clear your head. For me, studying usually takes a back seat to Gamecock football for at least a few minutes. There is no harm in spending a few minutes away from the debits and credits or the calculus formulas that are filling your thoughts!

    No matter how you deal with stress, make time for yourself during this difficult week. Finals may seem like the time you have drop everything, but there are plenty of ways to clear your head. If you solely dive into your notes, your stress levels may not be healthy. Your mental health depends on finding some “me” time to fit into your schedule!


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    Networking with Social Media

    Jessie Flamming

    Social media has become a part of our everyday lives and only continues to grow in the amount of times we depend on it throughout the day.  Sharing pictures, memories, and opinions with thousands of people at the touch of your fingertips has changed the way we think and live. Although older generations will debate that it is ruining our communication skills and face-to-face interactions they may need to look at it from a new perspective.

    Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram all have different objectives, but at the end of the day, they all are used to reach large numbers of people with simple and instantaneous access. Using these social media platforms can expand your personal network and help increase your knowledge from numerous perspectives. You can share your achievements and passions with anyone  – even outside your close friend circle! By using social media for personal networking, you can almost effortlessly get new insights and build relationships with one post.

    From my personal experience the best advice I can give any college student is to use your social media for a deeper, more productive, result. By creating a virtual brand for yourself you can show your accomplishments, goals, and future plans to endless amounts of followers. You never know which of these followers can potentially help or encourage you to reach the accomplishments and goals you want to attain.  People can only see what you allow them to on the internet so you might as well make it the best version of yourself and influence others to do the same.

    Social Media is a powerful tool, so I encourage you to use it wisely! Posting about your goals and aspirations is much more insightful than what you were wearing to the last party you went to! Keep in mind who your audience is with each post. With a limitless ocean of viewers, your public profile is not only exposed to your classmates and friends, but also future employers who will be looking at your social media platforms to make judgments for your candidacy.


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    My Mother, a Mentor

    Cassandra Lawton

    I think that everyone has someone they can call a role model in their life. Whether it is someone you know personally or a famous person you look up to, I feel that everyone can feel inspired by at least one other person in the world.

    One of my many role models is my mother. She has always inspired me through her actions and her lessons she has taught me. My mother had me when she was eighteen and she wasn’t ready for a child at all. She quickly turned her life around and worked hard to graduate adult education and receive a high school diploma before I was born. When I was born, she saved all her money for a trailer that I called home for a couple years. My grandmother allowed my mother to buy some land from her and we transported a home onto the land, this home still continues to be my home. My mother has provided a stable life for me even though she was never able to fully experience everything she could have.

    After we obtained stability and my mother was hired into a more constant job, she decided to have my little sister. During the last couple months of her pregnancy, both of my cousins had family situations happen. My oldest cousins mother had died many years ago, but now her grandmother was going to give up her rights and put her into foster care. My mother didn’t hesitate to become my eldest cousin’s guardian and then not much longer my other cousins mother died of cancer leaving four siblings out of a home.

    My mother became the guardian of one of the siblings from the family and the rest went to live with my grandmother. Within one year my mother went from having one child to four children. Our household’s money was tight for a while, and my mother tried her best to give us an amazing childhood experience. My father built the second half of our house all by himself to give us each our own bedroom. My mother also gave us an allowance for cleaning the house that we had the option of putting together in order to go out to dinner, bowing, or the movies. Finally, she always tries to help us learn from our experiences.

    Currently, my oldest sister and I am the first ones ever to go to college in our family. Our mother has been there for both of us every step of the way, even though she never was able to go to college herself. My mother and I are very close and I consider her one of my best friends. I hope to help her and repay all the kindness she gave me and my siblings, but for now I still look up to her as my mother and my biggest role model.

    Who is your biggest role model? What impact did they have on your life?


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    Tips to Scoring an Awesome Internship

    Taylor Peck

    As I’m sure is the case with most college students, my degree program has a required internship component. What does this mean? I can’t graduate unless I have an internship for college credit before my senior year of college. Talk about added pressure to my junior school year! I needed to start searching ASAP to apply and receive an internship by the end of the spring semester. I was unsure where to start, and navigated my way through endless job search websites and school career fairs. Thankfully, by November I had locked in an internship of my dreams with a billion-dollar company. However, the journey there was intimidating and stressful. With today’s internships being so competitive, I wanted to share some tips for scoring your dream internship, (or at least one to be excited about), in hopes that your search is as stress free as possible.

    1. Start in the fall.

    Many large companies have their intern spots filled by the spring semester. Get an early start and beat the competition! Have your resume reviewed and a cover letter ready.

    1. Start by attending your school’s career fair.

    Even if the companies are not what you are looking for, career fairs are great interview experience. It helped me build confidence in networking, and even landed me an interview. You may find your dream internship opportunity here!

    1. Check job websites frequently.

    Keep an open mind and check locations and jobs you would not normally think of when contemplating internships. New postings pop up all the time, so check back often!

    1. Create/update your LinkedIn!

    If you think you “creep” on the internet, companies do it too! Keep your LinkedIn in top shape so when employers scout, they find an awesome representation of you! Fun fact: My LinkedIn profile is how I became a Pearson Campus Ambassador!

    1. Apply for everything you think is remotely interesting!

    You never know who will give you a response! Even if you think the job is a longshot, APPLY, APPLY, APPLY!

    1. Take any interview you can get.

    The first job I interviewed for was not exactly what I was looking for, but hey, an internship is an internship, and it’s important to keep all options open. It’s better to have multiple options to choose from when accepting a position.

    1. Keep a list!

    Most companies require you to create a login when applying on their website, so it’s a good idea to jot down each company you apply for, the position, and your login information. Also write down the date you submitted your application so you have a good reference date for follow up emails. I know you’re going to apply for a bunch of positions, (if you doubt this, see step 5), so the list will be a great reference to remember where you applied and when!

    1. Have confidence in yourself!

    I know it seems like you’re a small fish in a giant pond, but have more confidence in yourself. You’ve worked hard in college to built a rockin’ resume, and it will be noticed! Put yourself out there and see how far you will go!

    With these tips, you will be on the right track to land a great internship! Even if your program or school does not require an internship, you should still seek one out! You receive valuable skills and insights that you can apply from your coursework – not to mention it looks great on a resume! Are you applying for an internship soon? What do you look for in an internship? Share with the Pearson Students community!


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    A Major in Sustainability Will Save Our Planet

    Victoria Bankowski

    I am currently seeking a degree in General Studies, which allows me to focus on more than one area.  I am pursuing a career in Environmental Sustainability.

    When asked “What is Sustainability”, a lot of people will attempt to provide an answer, but when giving their definition they get lost in their explanation.  The problem is because there is not an universally agreed definition on what sustainability means.  I would define sustainability as, the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level. Sustainability is the avoidance of the depletion of natural resources to maintain an ecological balance. 

    I am currently working on a project that explains how I feel about sustainability.  I found that because I was not formerly educated in sustainability, I live a very unsustainable life.   I am enrolled in a “Sustainability on Campus” course at the University of Michigan and I am learning what I must change to live in a sustainable world.  Due to the major implications of the human population using up the Earth’s natural resources, I am determined to change my lifestyle and act as a steward of sustainability, teaching the behavioral changes needed to save our planet.

    Not all communities are as serious about sustainability as the University of Michigan. It is a known fact that a failure to incorporate sustainable practices in education, and in business, happen frequently across the United States because sustainability is deemed a complicated process.

    It is for this reason that a change must take place.  It will require a lifelong lifestyle commitment of learning, research, and commitment to increase the best sustainable practices, to ensure our grandchildren’s children will have a planet that can sustain the punishment that so many people have inflicted.

    As a transfer student coming to the University of Michigan, I am hopeful, that I have found a suitable career path in which to pursue.   I have chosen to pursue a career as a steward of Sustainability.  I have strategized, over what it would take for me gain the necessary skills and background required to pursue a career in sustainability, and have discovered that I would like to work with young children as a steward of sustainability.  My attention was brought to the University and I have determined that every year the University of Michigan, brings in a fresh group of students.  However, not all of these students have been formerly educated in sustainability.   I discovered this problem because of the lack of knowledge I had when asked “what is sustainability”. I was left with my mouth open unable to answer. This is a problem that must be addressed to save our planet.

    All children in the United States deserve equal educational opportunities, and to save the planet, sustainability must be incorporated at all levels of education.

    My philosophy is, to maximize growth and understanding of sustainability.  To do this we must start with our roots, our children.  By teaching our children about sustainability, in elementary school, those children will go home, and act as sustainable stewards with their parents.  As our children mature, they will grow with the ever-changing protocol, that surrounds sustainability.  When ready for their next phases in middle school and high school, they will have developed a foundation on which to grow further in educational sustainability issues.

    To educate all our children in sustainability, we must focus on our state and federal legislatures.  All children in the United States must have an equal representation in education, and by failing to provide our children with the basic tools to become sustainable, we are preventing our country from becoming sustainable.  Encouraging a statewide initiative to provide the children of all communities, education in sustainability is a must. I believe all students should be required to learn about Sustainability, just like English, History, and Mathematics at all levels of education.  Educating our children in sustainability is the necessary tool, I feel that will save our planet.