The future of post-16 level 1, entry vocational qualifications in England

Level 1 and below

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The information below provides you with an overview of these reforms, and what we know so far about what they’ll mean for you and your level 1 and entry level curriculum.

See our guide below to the future of post-16 level 1 and entry level vocational qualifications in England. This provides an overview of the landscape and timeline of the reforms. The first teach of these qualifications is intended to be 2027.

In the meantime, we have extended all our current entry and level 1 intro suite for last registrations in 2027 so you can continue to teach the existing suite with confidence.

Explore our flexible, Entry Level and Level 1 skills-based qualifications

Download the new guide for Level 1 and Entry level 

Please bookmark this page to keep up to date with developments.


Latest update

In October 2022 the DfE published the latest news about the review of post-16 qualifications at level 2 and below in England.

Read the latest DfE announcement

Further guidance was published in April 2023

Read further guidance

Continue to teach BTECs with confidence 

You can continue to teach your BTEC entry level and level 1 intros with confidence this year and into the future up until 2027.

If you would like to speak to someone about the vocational reform and what it means for you, your centre and the qualifications you offer now and in the future, please contact us using the details below. 

If you are a college or a work-based learning provider: please email at

If you are a school: please talk to us or email at
