The future of post-16 level 2 vocational qualifications in England

Level 2

Updated July 2024

On Wednesday 24 July the DfE announced an immediate pause and review of the post-16 vocational qualification reform in England. Further detail was released on 25 July in a written statement. It means that:

  • The DfE will place a one year pause on the removal of 16 to 19 funding from qualifications assessed as overlapping with T Levels in construction and the built environment, digital, education and early years, and health and science. These qualifications were originally scheduled to have their funding approval removed in the 16 to 19 offer after 31 July 2024 but will now continue to remain available up to 31 July 2025.

  • This will allow time for a review of post-16 level 3 and below reforms to conclude by the end of the year.
  • The DfE will also publish, as soon as possible, a list of reformed level 2 qualifications that will be funded from August 2025, in Construction and the Built Environment, Education and Early Years, Engineering and Manufacturing, and Health and Science.

We want to reassure you that we are committed to supporting you and your learners with the latest information and what it means for the delivery of Pearson qualifications.

Ensuring our school and college customers can continue to offer a wide choice of qualifications to their learners is – and will - remain our primary objective. 

We will be in touch over the coming days with a full detailed response to the announcement and what it means for you, your centre and your learners.

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  1. We will continue to keep you informed about changes on our webpages

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Latest update

On the 24 July 2024 DfE published further updates about the reform of post-16 level 3 vocational qualifications in England.

Read the latest DfE announcement

Read the DfE announcement October 2022

Further guidance was published in April 2023

Read further guidance

Centre Briefing April 2024

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Continue to teach BTECs with confidence 

You can continue to teach your BTECs with confidence this year and next and be reassured that very few qualifications will be affected in 2024/25.

If you would like to speak to someone about the vocational reform and what it means for you, your centre and the qualifications you offer now and in the future, please fill out the form below.
