VQ Bulletin - Issue 50
Welcome to the latest issue of the VQ Bulletin.
Welcome to the latest issue of the VQ Bulletin. We intend to send the bulletin monthly, so we hope it will support you in getting back to normal delivery activities for your Pearson Vocational Qualifications.
We mentioned in our last edition that we are undertaking a detailed review into this year’s awarding series. We have contacted many schools and colleges directly, but if you would like to contribute to our research, please complete our survey, which closes on 14 October. Your feedback will help us improve the way we work with you to manage BTEC Nationals, the processes of registering learners, making entries, and claiming results. We’re looking forward to hearing about your experiences and working with you to identify improvements for future awarding cycles.
This month, we are also hosting our first Exams Officer Zoom event of the academic year. We'll be talking about BTEC and the key administrative tasks you need to complete over the next few weeks, with an opportunity to ask questions. If you'd like to join us, you can book on to our Exams Officer 11 October 2-3pm event.
In this month's bulletin, you will find some key information for our new BTEC Tech Awards, including our comprehensive BTEC Tech Awards support index. You’ll also find information on the Annual Quality Declaration and some key administration support guidance to ensure you manage your registrations accurately in the run up to the deadline in November. Please take the time to ensure your completion dates are accurate, as we will be using this information to send centre-specific reports in the run up to the summer results period.
As always, you are welcome to contact us with any queries or concerns, keep informed by following @PearsonBTEC, where we will update you with the latest information, or access our FAQ page, which is updated frequently.
For responses to any suggestions or feedback you have for us, please visit our Contact us page. You can also review past bulletins if you’ve missed any, or sign up to receive future updates (if you have not already done so). We’ll be in touch again after the October half term.