Higher education blog

Read our blog to explore ideas in teaching and learning. Students' first assignments often signal where skills and prior learning are wanting. But acknowledging the extent of these gaps and catering for the learning styles of all students can lead to more proactive approaches to addressing the problem.

  • Image by Christof Van Der Walt

    What could a blend of assessment types look like?

    What could a blend of assessment types in higher education look like?

    Assessment isn’t just about final outcomes. It’s the golden thread that runs through and underpins the university experience and how it’s handled affects so much more than results – it impacts on student satisfaction, retention, even mental health.

  • Ensuring your online learning content is accessible

    Ensuring your online learning content is accessible to everyone

    The World Health Organization (2020) estimate that over 1 billion people worldwide live with some form of disability. They are the largest global minority group and that number is increasing dramatically as people live longer and the number of chronic health conditions rises. In the UK alone, in 2019/20 332,300 students stated that they had a disability of some kind – that’s 17.3% of all home students. This represents an increase of 106,000 (or 47%) since 2014/15 (Hubble and Bolton, 2021).

  • Immersive online learning for everyone

    Immersive online learning for everyone

    So you’ve exhausted your TV subscription watch list and are looking for something that offers a more immersive real-life experience? Maybe you could try an immersive theatre experience that takes place in your bathroom or a virtual escape, or maybe some online role playing games?  

  • Managing large cohorts online: Girl sitting at laptop remote learning

    Managing large cohorts online

    If, like everyone else, you have been required to shift to online teaching this year, you will no doubt have researched the best approaches to doing so.

  • Bringing your live sessions to life: woman sitting at laptop remote learning

    Bringing your live sessions to life

    Add the word ‘live’ to TV, sport, or performance, and there’s an added sense of excitement at the element of the unexpected, where there’s, as performers know, a risk of things going wrong.

    So it is with live classes - to some, a struggle with unfamiliar technology and distracted multi-tasking students; but to others, a great way to interact with your students.

  • Graphic representing skills

    7 Skills for right now

    Continuing the “7 Skills for Right Now” series, this week offers you guidance on how harnessing our ability to empathise can both fuel connections and help you regulate your emotions in times of stress.