Can GPT-4 benefit engineering students with its new visual learning capabilities?

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Whether you are "pro" or "anti-ChatGPT", an academic or a student, the new multimodal language model tool, GPT-4, is ready to take the higher education world by storm.

And with its popular predecessor, the chatbot GPT-3.5, already having an impact on student performance, you might still be wondering whether you should embrace it as a teaching and learning tool.

Regardless, the growing use of AI has encouraged a great shift towards digital learning, prompting more instructors to choose a blended approach to their teaching.  

For the science disciplines, digital learning capabilities can help achieve better learning outcomes. Especially for Engineering, a digital and interactive learning model that goes hand-in-hand with the core textbook content will allow students to gain a deeper understanding of the more challenging concepts, from theory to practice. 

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