Consultation response - DfE - Religious Studies GCSE and A level subject content

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Read our response to the Department for Education's consultation on the subject content for GCSE and A level Religious Studies.

Download the PDF to read our response to the DfE consultation.

This consultation asked for views on proposed subject content for GCSE and A level Religious Studies, to be introduced from September 2016. The proposed subject content requirements are designed to become regulatory documents which set out the minimum knowledge, understanding and skills needed for GCSE and A level qualifications. They provide the framework for awarding organisations to create the detail of qualification specifications.

Responsibility for specifying the subject content of GCSEs and A levels lies with the Department for Education. Responsibility for determining the assessment arrangements lies with Ofqual, which consulted in parallel on GCSE and A level assessment for religious studies.

The outcome of this consultation was published by Ofqual on 13 February 2015.

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