Our response to the proposals on O-Levels
Following reports that Michael Gove wants to replace GCSEs with O-level style exams, we had this to say.
A Pearson spokesperson said:
“We look forward to seeing further details of the proposals discussed by the Secretary of State today.
“We have repeatedly stated our commitment to working with Government to build a resilient examinations system which upholds high standards and has the confidence of the public. This is in the best interests of the hundreds of thousands of pupils who sit examinations in the UK each year.
“It is right that the education system is challenged to reach for the standards achieved by our peers globally. We can and should be ambitious for all children and we support a system which delivers that.
“We would have serious reservations about any approach which sets lower expectations for some at the age of 14. A new approach needs careful consideration to ensure it encourages high aspirations and expectations across the board, and doesn’t lower our ambitions for some students.”