DfE Announcement - BTEC learners with January external assessments
Following the annoucement from the Secretary of State on 30 December regarding the delayed return of some pupils to colleges and schools in January, the DfE has clarified what this means for BTEC learners expecting to sit external assessments in January.
The DfE guidance confirms that exam centres, schools and FE providers should remain open for exams and assessments.
We recognise the huge amount of work you are undertaking in colleges and schools to enable the safe return of learners, in line with government announcements regarding lateral testing and the staggered return. I want to pass on my thanks to you, for your enduring commitment and support.
Our existing guidance on the BTEC approach to adaptation to delivery and assessment in 2020/2021 is available on our dedicated webpage - Teaching and assessment 2020/21.
BTEC exams commence next week, here are some useful links:
- In line with the DfE’s recent announcements, BTEC exams will go ahead
- You can find information more on managing absences in this document - Managing absence in BTEC external assessments (PDF | 80KB)
- Guidance on existing adaptations for BTECs (PDF |2MB)
- See our FAQs on assessment arrangements.
If you have any questions or need support, please contact us.
We will continue to work closely with you to support learners as they undertake their assessments.
I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all the best for 2021.
Kind regards,
Cindy Rampersaud
Senior Vice President
BTEC & Apprenticeships