Our policy updates explained

Our Policy Watch service keeps you tuned in to what’s happening in the world of education. Here’s our guide to the types of updates that you can expect.

Policy Watch

Any updates that we send out about policy are part of our Policy Watch service – they’re always available on our Policy Watch pages too. If you want updates focused on the policy changes that affect primary schools, you can sign up for Primary Watch.

Our Policy Watch updates include:

Policy Eye

Policy Eye

This weekly email looks at what's been happening in UK education over the past seven days – so it’s easy for you to keep an eye on things.

Policy Tracker

This monthly update helps you keep track with main talking points, key headlines, reports, publications, speeches and quotes from the last month.

Pocket Watch

You’ll get these updates whenever there’s a significant policy development in the UK, like a major report or speech that requires some commentary or explanation.

Other updates

Don’t miss our education policy events, including breakfast briefings and discussions. And keep an eye out for occasional papers on the latest topics too. If you’ve only just signed up for Policy Watch, have a look through our policy updates archive – you’ll find that many of them are still relevant and useful.