Consultation response - Commons Select Committee - Apprenticeships and Traineeships for 16-19 year-olds

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Read our response to the Commons Select Committee call for evidence on Apprenticeships and Traineeships for 16-19 year-olds.

Download the PDFs to read our full response, or a summary of our response, to the Commons Select Committee call for evidence.

The committee invited written submissions, by 30 September 2014, addressing the following points:

  1. The effectiveness of apprenticeships and traineeships for 16-19 year olds, including in terms of meeting employer needs in various sectors, and providing young people with a solid foundation for employment in general or in particular occupations or for further study.
  2. The range of apprenticeships and traineeships available to young people.
  3. Current levels of employer engagement in apprenticeships (including in providing places or defining standards and setting assessment), and what further steps the government could take to improve this.
  4. The impact of recent changes to the funding of apprenticeships and traineeships.
  5. Whether the government’s investment in apprenticeships represents value for money in terms of the future wage returns for young people and their employability.
  6. How the government could encourage businesses of all sizes and in all sectors to offer apprenticeships, including improved fiscal, regulatory and other measures.
  7. What factors prevent more young people considering apprenticeships and how these could be overcome.
  8. Whether young people are adequately prepared for apprenticeships and how that preparation should be improved.
  9. How the government could encourage more young people to consider apprenticeships and traineeships.

The outcome of this inquiry was published by the Education Select Committee on 4 March 2015.

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