Consultation response - Ofqual - Assessment of practical work in GCSE science

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Read our response to the Ofqual consultation on assessing practical work in GCSE science.

Download the PDFs to read our full response, or a summary of our response, to the Ofqual consultation.

The consultation sought views on a proposed model for practical assessment:

  • 15% of marks within written exams will draw on knowledge and understanding of practicals.
  • Awarding organisations (AOs) will use a list of techniques/apparatus to build core practicals into their specification (at least 8 for separate science and 16 for combined science).
  • Schools will record practical work and confirm to their AO that students have completed.
  • Students will keep records of the practical work they have completed (to be made available to the AO on request). There will be no practical competency measure as there is at A level.
  • Revised assessment objectives will take account of this new weighting for practical assessment. Revised assessment objectives will be the same at each tier.
  • There should be no less than 15% of the total marks for demonstration of mathematical skills and this should be across science GCSEs.

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