Why Teach? New research report

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The NUT’s 2014 Workload survey, completed by over 44,000 teachers, revealed some alarming statistics.

90% of respondents had considered leaving teaching in the last two years, 96.5% said workload has negative consequences for family or personal life and 82% said more trust in teachers would help retention.

It is against this backdrop that the ‘Why Teach‘ research report was released last week. Compiled in partnership by ‘think and action-tank’ LKMco and Pearson, it looks at the other side of the coin: what makes people choose to go into teaching and remain there. It aims to facilitate discussion at the highest levels around the issue of recruitment and retention of teachers, and has been welcomed by Neil Carmichael MP, Chair of the Education Select Committee.

Rod Bristow, President of Pearson UK, said: “This research points to a simple conclusion: teachers want to make a difference for our children; when they feel they can’t for whatever reason, we risk losing them from the profession. We need nothing less than a call to action to give them the support they need to make that difference. The government is taking the issue of teacher supply and retention seriously. But the larger conversation about what inspires teachers to join – and stay – in the profession will require hard talking in Whitehall, in teacher training institutions, and in every staff-room across the country.”

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