Phonics in numbers
Did you know?
The number of schools and pupils are growing
- Every year around 500,000 children start primary school across England
- In England there are 16,778 primary schools and 4,655,513 primary pupils1
- On average, each infant class has 27.6 pupils2
The English Phonics Code is complex
- There are 44 sounds (or phonemes) but only 26 letters in the alphabet3
- There are 175+ letter or letter combinations
- 86% of English words are spelled phonetically4
Too many children still struggle
- Recent KS1 attainment scores showed a marked decline in expected standards in phonics (75%), reading (67%) and writing (58%)5
- 175,000 Y6 pupils did not meet the expected standard in reading last year6
- 25% of pupils start Year 7 with a reading age below 117
The evidence is clear
- Synthetic phonics supports an additional 5 months of progress per year8
- Bug Club Phonics, as an SSP, is particularly effective for the lowest attaining 20% of learners
- Bug Club Phonics pupils were 11 months9 ahead of their expected age equivalent reading score after just 5 terms of use
Help is at hand
- Over £24 million is set to be invested by the DfE in building children’s literacy skills
- There are 34 English Hubs across 8 regions
- Each eligible school could access up to £9,000 of early language support
As a DfE approved phonics teaching programme, Bug Club Phonics includes:
- 180 fun, varied, decodable books featuring fiction and non-fiction, fully matched to the Bug Club Phonics progression.
- Assessment materials and tracker to check how children are progressing, including 118 assessment games, 45 assessment sheets and 3 mock PSC test ensure you are able to keep track of children’s progress, whilst also familiarising them with the format of the Y1 screening check.
- Classroom resources including flashcards, sound mats and posters, as well as over 800 printable word cards covering real words, pseudo words, high frequency words and irregular words.
- 2 Teaching and Assessment guides, 164 lesson plans, 273 teaching screens for use on your interactive whiteboard, 164 worksheets and 145 practice games.
- All of this comes with a full package of support, including how-to-guides and videos, ‘live actions’ Phonics lesson videos and notes, customisable PD units, parent material, a supportive Facebook community of over 550 Bug Club Phonics teachers and a friendly customer support team for all your Bug Club Phonics needs.
If you’re a state-funded infant school, primary school, junior school, special school or pupil referral unit working with primary-aged children, you could be eligible for extra funding and support.
Visit to find out more about working with your local English Hub, applying for funding, Bug Club Phonics resources and training and further support for improving literacy in your school.