Industry and professional blog

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  • Guest blog: The impact of COVID-19 upon universities by Rt Hon Charles Clarke

    At the beginning of 2020, Ed Byrne and myself set out, in our book The University Challenge, the various roles which modern universities have to play as the world changes so quickly: understanding and interpreting change in the world; offering constructive approaches which help make the process of change benefit people; educating and training people with the skills needed to face up to change; and creating an intellectually engaging climate and culture across societies. 

  • FT investment trusts

    Guest Blog: Why do investors need to better harness the City’s best kept secret?

    When running portfolios in the City during the 1980s and 90s, investment trusts were regularly used when seeking smaller company and overseas exposure for larger portfolios – individual stock selection within the FTSE 350 otherwise being the norm.

    Clients would often enquire about them, for they were ‘novel’ to many when compared to the more familiar unit trusts.

    But over time clients came to appreciate their superior qualities. This remains true today. So why is it investment trusts remain the City’s best-kept secret? 

  • FT investment trusts

    Guest Blog: Why do investors need to better harness the City’s best kept secret?

    When running portfolios in the City during the 1980s and 90s, investment trusts were regularly used when seeking smaller company and overseas exposure for larger portfolios – individual stock selection within the FTSE 350 otherwise being the norm.

    Clients would often enquire about them, for they were ‘novel’ to many when compared to the more familiar unit trusts.

    But over time clients came to appreciate their superior qualities. This remains true today. So why is it investment trusts remain the City’s best-kept secret? 

  • The Human Edge,: how curiosity and creativity are your superpowers in the digital economy (Pearson) which was named as the Business Book of The Year 2020.

    How to sharpen your workplace edge in turbulent times

    More than a quarter of the UK workforce have recently had their wages paid by the government's furlough scheme. Similar policies have operated across the world. Economists fear, as this comes to end, that we’ll see a tsunami of job losses. 

    A good idea then to ensure your boss views you as indispensable. This means more than being reliable, trustworthy and hard working. These are important qualities, but they won’t necessarily keep you in a job. 

    Here are seven tips to stand out, inspired by the science-based insights in Greg Orme’s award-winning book, The Human Edge.     

  • Guest blog: Fuel your team with a compelling purpose

    Teams are the building blocks that make up every organization. Yet teams often punch below their weight. Personality clashes, competing agendas and lack of direction decrease both performance and wellbeing. By contrast, a team with a potent purpose pulls together, builds trust and delivers outstanding results.