Skills blog

  • Developing Speaking and Listening for ESOL Learners

    Hello and welcome to the Skills Blog for December 2022. This month, to coincide with the release of some exemplar speaking and listening videos for our ESOL offer, we will be looking at developing the speaking and listening skills of ESOL learners.

  • WorkSkills

    Hello and welcome to the Skills Blog for October 2022. This month we take a look at Pearson’s WorkSkills qualifications and how they can be used to support learners get into work and help contextualise and build skills needed on other qualifications such as ESOL and EDSQ. 

  • ESOL and Functional Skills Maths

    Hello and welcome to a new blog series focusing on Pearson Skills qualifications, featuring updates and important information on ESOL, ESW and EDSQ qualification suites.