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  • An elephant in a zoo enclosure.

    How YOU Can Help Save Endangered Animal Species

    Taylor Perline

    The third Friday in May has been recognized yearly as National Endangered Species Day! As college students, we juggle numerous responsibilities at a time. With classes, social lives, and sleep schedules often being at the forefront of our minds, it can be difficult to set time aside for causes that we are slightly interested in or even deeply passionate about. As a pre-veterinary student with a passion for animal activism, I have a great deal of concern for endangered animal species. Even as students, here are some small and easy ways that we can make a difference!

    Raise Awareness

    One of the most powerful tools that all of us can utilize is the ability to raise awareness for what you are passionate about. Even if your chosen cause is not an endangered species, knowing the power that is behind your voice and actions is crucial to benefiting your cause. In terms of endangered species, look towards campus organizations, local events, or even social media platforms. It is easier than ever to share relevant social media posts or articles with friends and family. Starting the conversation is often the most difficult part!

    Support Conservation Efforts

    Oftentimes people think that supporting conservation efforts has to strictly be through monetary donations. As college students, money can be tight! If you do have the extra money to set aside for a conservation project, go for it! For others, however, supporting conservation efforts can look different. As mentioned previously, sharing conservation projects with others to expand their reach is beneficial. Some clubs may also commit to volunteer projects that will help support conservation efforts. A favorite way of mine to support endangered species is to “adopt” animals through a zoo or website. I often give them as gifts for the holidays! Sometimes they come with stuffed animals or certificates AND the money from purchasing the gift goes towards that species! How cool!

    Make Sustainable Choices

    Small choices that we make every single day can help change our environment and make it a better place for endangered species. The large carbon footprint that we place onto the world can make it harder and harder for species to thrive. Even the smallest of differences like choosing a reusable water bottle or other eco-friendly products can help preserve the ecosystems that these animals need to thrive! Personally, I love opting for reusable cups and straws!

    Even the smallest of efforts can make a HUGE difference! Trust me, endangered animal species everywhere will thank you!

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 


  • The supplies needed for the craft described in this blog, including construction paper and pencils on a student desk.

    A Timeless Gift for Mother’s Day

    Madeline Beavis

    There is nothing quite like a mother’s love! Mother’s Day is a time to thank all motherly figures for the unconditional love and support they show every day. Flowers are a very popular gift option, but what if there was a way that they could last forever? Ever since I was young, handmade gifts have been common in my family and are, especially for mothers, worth more than anything that can be bought in a store. Let me show you how I make paper flower bouquet of lavender that any mother is sure to cherish forever!

    You will need:

    • Paper in your mom’s favorite color! A shade of green will also be useful!
    • Ruler
    • Scissors
    • Tape
    • Toothpick

    Follow the steps below and use the picture at the top of the blog to help you if needed!

    • Step 1: Cut a 9 cm by 28 cm piece of green paper to make the stem of the lavender. I recommend green for a realistic outcome but be as creative as you like!
    • Step 2: Take your toothpick and starting at the tip of the corner of the paper, tightly wrap the paper around the toothpick. Continue rolling until all the paper is rolled up. You can remove the toothpick as you are rolling or leave it inside your stem for extra support. Tape the corner to hold it in place.
    • Step 3: Set aside the stem to start creating the lavender. Pick your choice of color for your lavender and cut an 8 cm by 28 cm piece of paper.
    • Step 4: Fold the paper in half like a hotdog and crease the edge.
    • Step 5: Hold your paper horizontally so that the folded side is facing you (the opening of your hotdog is away from you) and cut thin strips vertically along the crease. Do not cut all the way through! Leave about a ½ cm border at the top of the paper. At the end, it should look like a very long comb!
    • Step 6: Once you are finished, open your paper like you are reading a book and flip it over. Tape the long, uncut edges together. This is why we left a border in step 3! At this point, our lavender will look like a series of small arches.
    • Step 7: Take your stem from step 1-2 and starting at the end of your lavender, wind it around the tip of the stem so the arches are on the outside. You may need a small piece of tape to hold the lavender in place as you wind it.
    • Step 8: Continue to twist the lavender around the stem, moving slightly further down with each rotation. The small arches should expand a little bit to create a lavender shape.
    • Step 9: When you reach the end of your lavender, tape the end to hold it in place. Cut the end of your stem if it is too long and you’re all done!

    Optional: Want to include some extra details? Add some leaves!

    • Step 1: Cut a 5 cm by 7 cm piece of green paper.
    • Step 2: Leaving about a ½ cm border, like in step 5, cut out a row of long, thin triangles.
    • Step 3: With the ends of your triangles pointing up, roll the leaves around the bottom of the lavender where the bloom ends. You do not need to move down the stem, keep your rotations horizontal. Tape the ends to hold in place. Cut off any extra leaves if you do not want as many!
    • Step 4: Bend the leaves with your fingers to curl them.

    Repeat the above steps to create a full bouquet of lavender! Happy Mother’s Day!

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 


  • A student’s desk with a closed laptop, planner, and external monitor surrounded by various items such as a water bottle and hair clip.

    The Importance of Finding Time for You: Balancing Academics and Personal Life

    Lauren O'Brien

    As a college student, I have found that it can be challenging to find a balance between my academic and personal life. Now as a student in my final year in college, I have learned the importance of prioritizing both aspects of my life. The following three tips have helped me be successful in the classroom while also making time for important people and hobbies in my life.

    Knowing when I am most productive

    Something that has helped me academically is recognizing what time of the day I am most productive. For me, I am most productive in the morning. To work on this strength, I wake up earlier to start getting work done. This allows me to get most of my work done and then have more time in the day for myself.

    Scheduling time with friends but also alone time

    Spending time with important people in my life is something that keeps me motivated when it comes to academics. I enjoy going to get coffee with friends, studying together, and going out for dinner. I’ve also realized that I sometimes need to have time to myself. Some activities I enjoy doing by myself include going on walks and reading. Giving myself this alone time helps me to feel more present when I am with my friends and family.

    Making a prioritized list

    Having a planner and staying organized is something that has helped me throughout my four years in school. On Sundays, I fill out my planner according to my class schedule and personal activities. I also have found it helpful to make a to-do list and prioritize the list in order of importance. For example, an assignment with a due date quickly approaching will be at the top of my list. I then continue to add to the list the tasks that must get done.

    It is important to recognize that these tips may not be effective for everyone. Find out what works best for you and your lifestyle. Sometimes school can feel overwhelming, and it feels like there is so much to get done. Finding what helps you balance your academics and personal life can help ease those feelings. Next time you have those feelings, I hope you can try one of these tips or find something that works for you.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 


  • Members of Florida A&M’s marching band gather for a group photo on a football field. They are wearing matching baseball caps, orange t-shirts and green pants.

    How to Manage Being a Student as a Student-Athlete

    Natalie Jacobs

    Almost everyone gets the same speech when they are preparing to enter college: make friends, go out, and have fun – but never too much fun! As important as it is for college students to discover new things about themselves and jump at fun opportunities, maintaining their GPA, attending class, and forming a good relationship with their professors should come first. The general college idea is that while it is important to nurse a social life and make meaningful memories, achievement in academics should always be prioritized and a good work-life balance needs to be implemented if they want to be successful.

    The Challenge of Being a Student Athlete

    However, every student’s experience is not the same, and student athletes are faced with an entirely different beast when they enter college. When a student is already working to manage a healthy academic and social life, sports become a large time and energy commitment on top of schoolwork when they are already taxing activities on their own. As a member of the Florida A&M Marching 100, I’ve struggled with finding my pacing as a student when the most consistent thing in my college schedule is 2½ hour practices once a day and long games on the weekend. As a student athlete, it becomes easy for a sport to control your athletic schedule, dictate your social life, and completely overtake your academic pursuits when classes and your social schedule don’t demand the same consistency and planning factor. So, how do you avoid neglecting other parts of your college life while still maintaining the healthy amount of dedication it takes to thrive as an athlete?

    Make Other Things a Priority Too

    You must learn to apply the same amount of devotion you have for your sport towards your academic and social life. Just as you take extra time and implement more self-discipline to become better at your sport, as a student athlete it is your responsibility to also go the extra mile in your academics and life outside sports. When you learn to acknowledge your priorities and create a structured social, academic, and athletic schedule, you can succeed.

    Acknowledge Your Priorities

    The first step, acknowledging your priorities, comes with self-reflection. Ask yourself why you’re in college in the first place, and what weight your sport should have in your life. Of course, some students are in college pursuing their sport and/or being paid to participate in it while others are doing it because a hobby they love, but no situation changes the fact that attending college is for your education. Sports cannot fully provide what you’ll find in a classroom and the skills you’ll need to apply in your life, and that mindset can help you avoid becoming too fixated on them.

    Keep a Schedule

    Secondly, creating a schedule is very important. Whether it be a new assignment that wasn't mentioned in the syllabus, a random hangout scheduled with your friends, or another practice scheduled in preparation for a big game, academic, social, and athletic college life can be collectively erratic. With a physical schedule like a planner or calendar, it is much easier to be prepared and proactive with assignments and events so that unplanned activities won’t throw you off too much.

    When I took time to reflect on my purpose in college and began to act with proactivity towards planning against the erratic nature of student-athlete, I learned to flourish on and off the field; you can do the same. It takes practice and precision to truly find a balance, but as an athlete those are qualities you have had to display plenty of times before. So, enjoy college, but most importantly, take control so that you can succeed!

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 


  • An empty bedroom in a college student’s apartment.

    Off-Campus Chronicles: 10 savvy tips to navigating adulthood

    Cydell Still

    As you go through your college experience, the sense and urgency to mature and embrace adulthood starts to dawn on you. The realization is not just something you understand in your head, but something you feel and experience. Many have their own view of what that first real step of adulting in college feels like, but to me, the first thing that comes to mind is to take that big step of renting an apartment off-campus.

    Though this may seem intimidating, here are 10 things every college student should know about living off-campus!

    1 - Checklists! Checklists! Checklists!

    Even before you move in, it’s a good idea to have a bunch of different checklists of what you are looking for in an off campus living space, some examples being location from campus or any amenities you desire, such as a shuttle to campus or a gym/pool. All those things should be listed to help track pros and cons of each living space you come across in your search.

    2 - Communication is Key

    If you plan on living in a space with a roommate or several, it is important to establish clear communication with all parties. Make a set of guidelines for the different responsibilities and things that could cause conflict in your shared space. Since you oversee your own things and there is no overall authority, it would be a good idea for everyone to contribute to the guidelines.

    3 - Smart Shopping

    Without a meal plan it can be quite challenging to decide on what to buy food wise. For those who live alone, it would be best to decide your essentials beforehand so you can get the basics of what you need. As for people with roommates, it’s better to decide together who buys what or if you’re going to split the grocery bill at all.

    4 - Practice Self-Control

    Along with smart shopping, knowing the difference between needs and wants is a huge skill to learn while you live off campus. This is not money coming out of your tuition, this is your own expenses and learning where to invest that money is very important. You do not need those $500 headphones.

    5 - “Hey Siri, Play the Clean Up Song”

    It is crucial for tenants to fully comprehend their responsibilities regarding the maintenance and repairs of the rented property. This is where you live, and you want to make sure everything is up to your standards. Utilize maintenance request for larger repairs, but a bi-weekly clean up goes a long way.

    6 - Public Transportation is Your Friend

    As someone who does not drive, I was getting tired of spending money for Uber and Lyft. Check out the local transportation and see what services they offer. If your residence is close to campus, ask if they offer a shuttle that drives to the local stores in the area. Bikes are also useful forms of transportation, going to class or to your local corner store, and you can get some exercise done.

    7 - Stay Safe!

    Become familiar with local emergency protocols and resources. Using tools like a Ring camera on your front door keeps you at ease when you’re away. It is also a good idea to become aware of the location of the closest police, fire, and hospital stations.

    8 - Don’t Always Rush Home

    Having a gap between classes allows you to use that time productively. Instead of going home and potentially getting distracted, you can stay on campus and make the most of your time. Whether it's studying in the library, working on group projects, or catching up on readings, staying on campus can enhance your focus and productivity.

    9 - Remember the College Experience

    No matter how far away you may live off campus, you are still considered a commuter student. A lot of emails about events and other activities that happen on campus might not reach you until it’s too late. Try to keep a schedule of the different events that way you can still get that thrilling college experience.

    10 - Sweet, Sweet, Freedom

    This is your own place! It gives a better sense of adulthood, and you get a more profound sense of independence without supervision. Living off campus gives you a high level of privacy that you are probably looking for after the lack of it in dorm life. The creative possibilities are endless. Decorate or design it however you like. You make the rules, enjoy it!

    Living off campus during college comes with several perks. It offers a taste of independence and responsibility, preparing you for life beyond the campus bubble, while also encouraging you to engage with the local community and develop a more well-rounded college experience. I hope the decision to live off campus can contribute significantly to personal growth and a more enriching college life.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 


  • The blog author Suhani is standing between her mother and father. All three are wearing traditional Indian clothing.

    Holi – The History of the Festival of Colors

    Suhani Chopra

    Color brings a happiness into one’s life that very few other things can. An easy example of this is how the sky’s color can affect someone’s mood or motivation. I don’t know about anyone else, but at least for me, waking up and seeing a dreary, overcast day makes me even more reluctant to get out of bed and start working. On the other hand, if I wake up to a bright, sunny day with clear blue skies, I typically have more energy, and at the very least would be looking forward to getting outside and enjoying the beautiful weather!

    Holi, an Indian traditional festival, embodies this joy and beauty of color, and celebrates unity as well as the triumph of good over evil. With mentions as early as the 4th century, it is likely one of the oldest religious festivals still celebrated today. It will be observed on March 25th this year and is one of my favorite times of the year!

    Though Holi is celebrated by most (if not all) of the Indian subcontinent, different places can celebrate it in different ways. For example, larger communities may get together and light a bonfire before Holi officially starts, representing “burning” evil out of the world. Families may spread just a pinch of powder on each other’s faces or dump entire buckets or empty water guns filled with colored water. Adults may be more religious about it and celebrate Holi by praying to and worshiping the god or gods they believe in, whereas children tend to be more relaxed about it, and just enjoy chasing their friends around. People celebrate it with friends, family, and even strangers, and enjoy the festival for a full day and night. And no one skips indulging in some delicious Indian sweets afterwards!

  • A variety of snack foods available from Trader Joes grocery stores.

    What Trader Joe’s Snack You Are Based on Your Major

    Ellie Oldweiler

    Trader Joe’s is a college students’ lifeline (at least here in California), and after living on a college campus next to one for three years, I have come up with a list of all the best snacks and matched them with majors based on some of my peers. Take a look and see how closely these snacks matched you and the students with these majors on your campus!

    Chemistry: Peanut Butter Pretzels

    You guys are some of the busiest people, your major is constantly having you in 3-to-4-hour long labs, staying up late writing lab reports, and basically studying 24/7. You don’t have time to mess around with fancy snacks, anything that requires more than opening the bag, simply out of the question. These protein packed pretzels, that fit many parts of the food pyramid, are the perfect quick pick me up between O chem and your labs!

    Business: White Cheddar Corn Puffs

    These are probably one of the most neutral things that they sell at Trader Joes, which is perfect for you guys who have chosen the most neutral career. In all seriousness, these are the best for a good movie night (you should have time for it, it's not like you have homework). Sit back, relax, and enjoy your grown-up version of Pirates Booty.

    ***Note: Accounting majors you are the slightly more flavorful Sour Cream and Onion Corn Puff flavor.

    Pre Med: Steamed Dumplings

    It could be argued that these are a meal more than a snack, they are the perfect food for a 15-minute studying break, and I recommend putting them into a soup to make it into a midnight study snack. I am biased here because I am pre-med myself, but guys, if you haven't tried these, GET THEM, I promise you they are the best brain food, super filling, and they never get old.

    Journalism: Crispy Crunchy Chocolate Chip Cookies

    These come in a massive bucket of cookies (technically like 17 servings per bucket), which is perfect for you to finish in one writing session. We all know that 90% of your work is unpaid internships and underpaid writing gigs, so the fact that these cookies just had an uptick in price is a fatal blow for you, but these are worth the splurge. These cookies are the perfect comfort food and have some sort of magic in them that instantly makes you more productive (or maybe it's the sugar high).

    Performing Arts: Cookie Butter Ice Cream

    Ice cream is the best snack for you guys so you can soothe your voice (and your nerves) after singing and running around all day. The Cookie Butter ice cream is truly like eating liquid heaven, and you guys deserve a sweet treat whether you are prepping for show week, in the middle of auditions, or celebrating at the cast party.

    Psychology: Gone Berry Crazy Chocolate Covered Strawberries

    You guys are the lowkey health nuts of the friend group. After analyzing everyone around you, it only makes sense that you look out for yourself, and this is a perfect snack to get in a sweet treat, while still being healthy-ish. These are a perfect pre-nap snack to make sure you are nice and well rested to go discuss others' family traumas.

    Education: PB & J Snack Duo

    These snacks throwback to the little snacks they used to hand out to us as prizes in elementary school, and they really transport you back to being a kid again. These are perfect for you guys because you are choosing to go back into that world, it all comes full circle. Truly, these are an amazing snack, and you will likely be giving them out in your future classroom.

    Philosophy: None

    I hate to say it, but you would get too overwhelmed with choices upon walking into the store that you wouldn't be able to pick a snack at all. Not everything needs to be a massive decision, you don't need to consult Plato’s philosophies to pick a snack. Because of this, I will pick for you. Get the frozen fried rice, we all know it's the best snack on this list anyway.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 


  • A colorful sunset with the silhouette of two trees in the forefront.

    Balancing College Life: The Art of Getting Enough Sleep

    Jessica Liversedge

    Entering college is an exciting experience filled with new opportunities, challenges, and late-night study sessions. During my freshman year, I vividly remember the struggle to balance academic demands, my social life, and the crucial need for a good night's sleep. However, after struggling through days on only a few hours of sleep, I've discovered some essential strategies for maintaining a healthy sleep routine while adjusting to the chaos of college life. 

    Prioritize and Plan

    The first step in achieving a balanced college life is to prioritize and plan effectively. Take a realistic look at your academic and social commitments, identify essential tasks, and create a schedule that allows for dedicated study time and relaxation. This seems simple, but getting into the habit of writing things in a planner has greatly helped my time management skills. By planning ahead, you'll not only manage your time more efficiently but also carve out slots for a consistent sleep routine.

    Establish a Consistent Sleep Schedule

    Consistency is key when it comes to sleep. Establishing a regular sleep schedule helps regulate your body's internal clock, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up at the same time every day. I try to aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night, which I found leaves my body and mind well-rested to feel ready for the day ahead. Everyone is different, so once you have found the amount of sleep that feels right for you, stick to that. One of the aspects that helped me most here was when picking classes, having a consistent start time each day. This ensures I wake up around the same time each day and keeps my sleep consistent. 

    Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine

    Develop a bedtime routine that signals to your body that it's time to wind down. I know we all have heard to not use your phone right before bed, but I understand that can be difficult. I have found reading for just ten minutes before I go to sleep has helped me greatly in falling asleep faster and having better sleep quality. Once it's time to go to bed, make sure you are in a dark and quiet environment, as this best promotes sleep. 

    Manage Stress Effectively

    College life often comes with its fair share of stressors. Learning to manage stress is crucial for both academic success and quality sleep. Incorporate stress-reducing activities into your routine, such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, or regular physical activity. Going to bed at night feeling stressed about some class work or an upcoming test, for me, often means the difference between a good night's sleep and feeling exhausted the next day. These practices can help clear your mind and contribute to a more restful sleep.

    Set Boundaries

    While college provides numerous opportunities for socializing and extracurricular activities, it's essential to set boundaries. Learn to say no when necessary and prioritize self-care. For me this was huge. Freshman year I had friends staying in my room till 2 am hanging out. It's hard to think about how this may impact you, because as a freshman your goal is to make new friends. However, balancing your social life with academic responsibilities and self-care is crucial for avoiding burnout and ensuring you have the energy to engage fully in both aspects of college life.

    In conclusion, finding the balance between academics, social life, and sleep is a challenge many college students face. By prioritizing, planning, and adopting healthy sleep habits, you can set yourself up for success. Remember, being well rested better prepares you to handle the demands of college, leading to improved academic performance and an overall more enjoyable college experience.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 


  • A graphic with a forest green background and 3 images depicting grocery shopping: a basket, grocery bag, and a storefront.

    Grocery Savings Tips for College Students

    Saige O’Rourke

    Coming into college, I did not know how to properly grocery shop. I didn’t understand the concept of creating a list, never shopping hungry, and seeking out store brand items. That said, I wasted a lot of money in my first couple months of college on grocery items. Through my experience, I have finally developed 4 tips of how to save money while in the grocery store.

    Don’t Shop Hungry

    Starting out with a difficult one, you need to avoid shopping while hungry. When you’re hungry, you convince yourself you need everything on the shelves. Your creative food juices are flowing as you tell yourself, “Maybe I could make this,” then the item sits in your cabinet until the end date. You do not need the yellow cake mix, and you are not going to make it sometime this week. Instead, eat a snack or entire meal before you enter the store so that you aren’t shopping for your cravings instead of your needs.

    Make a List

    You need to make a list before you enter the store. If you don’t have an idea of what you need, you’ll most likely walk aimlessly down each aisle wondering what you can fill your fridge with. Instead, making a list allows you to be the student on a mission. You know exactly what you need and why, and you know you don’t need the Twizzler pack that someone left behind because you didn’t add it to your list.

    Buy the Store Brand

    Although there is a stigma against them, you should consider buying store brand items. We are all aware of the idea that the store brand isn’t as good as the name brand, but this isn’t always the case. In fact, I have found myself preferring these brands over others for different items. As an avid cheese lover, I will always choose the Great Value brand shredded parmesan cheese instead of the others. Buying the store brand can save you at least a dollar or two, which if you consider this for half of your list then you’re saving $10-$20.

    Download the Store App

    Lastly, download the store app and sign up for rewards. This tip can go for a lot of different stores or areas outside of the grocery section as well; signing up for your favorite gas station rewards could save you 3 cents off the gallon, which we all know is extremely valuable. Many stores have rewards programs that we avoid because of the promotional emails we receive, but you can unsubscribe to those and still save money. There are many deals provided to customers solely because they created an account. The store apps also supply a map of the location you are in, so you can look up the item & aisle instead of wasting time searching.

    My bank account has been subject to the abuse of a grocery store too many times, and I’m sure yours feels the same way. Take these tips and use them in your next grocery store run! See what kind of difference you’re able to make over the next couple of months!

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started!