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  • Body Unboxed podcast illustration of person running.

    Podcasts: Study Smarter, Not Harder!

    Mikayla Wallace

    Podcasts have become a valuable tool in higher education, offering numerous benefits to students and educators. For students, podcasts offer a more conversational and engaging approach to learning. They can be accessed anytime and anywhere, allowing students to engage with educational content at their own pace. A study conducted by researchers at Kent State University found that students felt weekly podcast summaries enhanced their comprehension and helped with test preparation, resulting in higher mean test scores (Francom et al., 2011). For educators, podcasts offer a medium to extend their reach and share their expertise with a wider audience. Podcasts can also supplement in-person lectures by providing additional explanations, examples, and real-world applications. 

    In my experience, having access to a podcast that was hosted by one of my professors, who also wrote the textbook for the course, provided a credible resource that enhanced my knowledge of the subject. What made it particularly valuable was that all the information was seamlessly synced across various learning platforms, including online lectures, podcast episodes, and eText. As a student who appreciates multitasking, I found the availability of a podcast format to be a game-changer. It allowed me to engage with the course material without being glued to my screen or textbook. I could listen to the podcast while going for a walk, cooking, or commuting, which helped me make the most of my time. Moreover, one of the standout benefits of podcasts is the conversational tone they provide compared to traditional in-person lectures. The podcast format made learning feel more interactive and engaging, as if I were conversing with the professor. Additionally, I had the flexibility to pause, rewind, and replay sections, which allowed me to reinforce key concepts at my own pace and ensure a solid understanding. Overall, the availability and convenience of the podcast format, along with its conversational nature and self-paced learning opportunities, enriched my education.

    I am a fan of the Pearson Body Unboxed podcast episodes because they provide an opportunity to delve deeper into the concepts discussed in the textbooks, all while maintaining relevance and covering trending topics. What I truly appreciate about the episodes co-hosted by Dr. Joan Salge Blake is that every episode features real-world issues from some of the top nutrition scientists, writers, and researchers. This is especially important to me because I want to know that the information that I am listening to is current and accurate. Moreover, the podcasts have the perfect duration. As a student, I often struggle with extended periods of listening to a single person discussing a topic. Thankfully, the podcast episodes are around 30 minutes in length, allowing them to cover the key concepts effectively. This concise format also proves beneficial when it comes to note-taking for studying purposes. The Pearson Body Unboxed podcast episodes are invaluable resources that encourage students to focus on the essential concepts and provide a refreshing break from in-person lectures and textbook reading.

    Podcasts have revolutionized higher education by offering a wide range of benefits for both students and educators. The availability of podcasts from reputable sources provides students with additional resources and insights to enhance their understanding of course materials. Incorporating podcasts into higher education can enrich the learning experience and support student's academic success.


    Francom, J., Ryan, T., & Kariuki, M. (2011). The Effects of Podcasting on College Student Achievement and Attitude. Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology, 7(1). Retrieved July 12, 2023, from

  • Virtual lab environment with open procedures window guiding students to click on items to discover how it will be used.

    Pearson Interactive Labs: Connecting real life with online labs

    Mikayla Wallace

    Lab-based science courses have always intimidated me because, as a Business Management major, I have no lab experience. I was excited to try the Pearson Interactive Science Labs because their design allows you to work through online labs conveniently from anywhere at your own pace. After working through the virtual labs, I consider them an essential tool because they provide a meaningful science-based experience that includes a real-world scenario introduction, a step-by-step lab walkthrough, reflective analysis, and a wrap-up quiz. The interactive labs are easy to navigate, even without a science background, and are an excellent resource for applying the knowledge learned.

    Engaging Introduction:

    College can be overwhelming, which leads me to rush through assignments without understanding the meaning and importance of what I am learning. The Pearson Interactive Labs effectively explain the significant realistic scenario of the lab before you begin, which grabs your attention and encourages authentic participation. Background information for the case is also presented, and embedded questions ensure you fully understand the material and can move forward successfully to the lab. One feature I found beneficial was the multiple formats for the embedded questions, such as multiple choice, select all that are correct, and matching type questions.

    Straightforward Guided Lab Experience:

    After viewing the case scenario and relevant background information, the simulation allows you to familiarize yourself with the lab equipment location and tool names, which is extremely helpful for non-biology majors like me who may have never completed a college-level lab. Once you have walked through the tools necessary for the lab, you are given a set of self-paced step-by-step instructions to accomplish the lab goals. I feel the lab instructions are valuable because they are thorough yet easy enough to follow for any student including those with no prior lab experience.

    Impactful Application of Knowledge:

    When finished with the lab, you are guided through how to analyze the data and apply your knowledge to other related cases. Following the final analysis of the lab results, you are prompted to answer case-related questions in a quiz format. As a student, I appreciate opportunities to apply the knowledge I have learned because it creates a sense of accomplishment and cements the learned concepts into my memory for future use.

    The interactive lab structure offers a guide through the complete science process including formulating a hypothesis, conducting a lab, and analyzing lab results. Having all the information and virtual tools needed for a lab assignment accessible in one place is crucial, especially for non-science majors. Busy college students like myself seek convenience in school work, which is why the virtual interactive labs are a fantastic tool for anyone taking a science course, regardless of their science background.

    Busy college students like myself seek convenience in school work, which is why the virtual interactive labs are a fantastic tool for anyone taking a science course, regardless of their science background.

    Learn more about Pearson Interactive Labs today! 

  • A screenshot of the ChatGPT screen in which the blog author supplied the prompt for this blog.

    ChatGPT’s Impact on College Learning

    Alivia Clay

    ChatGPT is a revolutionary language model developed by OpenAI that can generate human-like text. This model has the capability to complete a given prompt by providing a coherent and fluent response. The model has been trained on a massive amount of text data, making it capable of understanding and responding to a wide range of topics and questions. One of the most significant impacts of ChatGPT is on the field of education, particularly in the realm of college-level learning. With the increasing use of technology in education, ChatGPT can be used as a powerful tool to enhance the learning experience of students.

    Study Assistance

    One way that ChatGPT can be used in college is as an educational assistant. The model can be used to generate answers to students' questions, providing them with quick and accurate information. This can be especially useful for students who are struggling to understand a particular concept or topic.

    Writing Assistance

    Another way that ChatGPT can be used in college is as a writing assistant. The model can be used to generate high-quality written content, such as essays or research papers. This can be especially helpful for students who are struggling with writing or for those who need to produce a large amount of written work in a short amount of time.

    Productivity Assistance

    The application of ChatGPT isn't only limited to education; ChatGPT can also be used in various industries such as journalism, customer service and more. The model can be used to generate news articles, customer service scripts, and even software code. This can significantly increase productivity and speed up the process of completing tasks, making it a valuable tool for businesses.

    In conclusion, ChatGPT is a powerful language model that has the potential to revolutionize the way we learn and work. Its ability to generate human-like text makes it an invaluable tool for students, educators, and professionals alike. And the exciting part of this blog is, it was written by ChatGPT. This showcases the capabilities of the model and its potential to be used in various fields. With the continued development and advancements in natural language processing, the possibilities of ChatGPT are endless.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 

  • Three-dimensional model of head and neck muscles with labels in Practice Anatomy Lab 4.0

    Dissecting Pearson’s Practice Anatomy Lab 4.0

    Micah Elpers

    Every student knows how hard it is to study for lab exams. You spend hours in lab making observations, doing experiments, collecting data, dissecting specimens, etc. just to leave and hope that you took enough photos and wrote down enough information to be useful later. These pictures are often blurry, and you can’t go back and look at your work to take better ones which makes it feel impossible to study for exams! This frustration is what makes Pearson’s PAL (Practice Anatomy Lab) 4.0 the perfect study tool for students! PAL 4.0 is a program composed of 3D models, diagrams, real life cadaver photos, flashcards, and so much more. It is designed to help students get the same experience online that they did in the lab. Now you don’t have to scour the internet looking for “sheep heart dissection” photos!

    PAL Learning Program 

    PAL 4.0 is designed to help students with challenging anatomical concepts. The program consists of all the body systems and provides students with various options for learning. These options include anatomical models, a manipulatable 3D model, cadaver photos, histology, and flashcards. All these different styles appeal to different learners! Some students may be wary of the cadaver photos so they can use the anatomical model instead. Some students are visual learners, and some are not. I love all the different formats; I always struggle trying to find diagrams that teach me what I want to know. PAL 4.0 allows me to study in ways I haven’t been able to before!

    Mastering 3D simulation

    In the PAL 4.0 mastering 3D simulation, you can interact with an anatomical model. The model can be manipulated and viewed from any angle. With the muscular system model, the muscles included in the group you’re studying are highlighted on the figure. If you click on a muscle, a textbox will appear and tell you the name, give you the pronunciation, allow you to hide the muscle, or isolate it. The isolation feature separates the muscle from the body and gives you a 3D image perspective of every angle of that muscle. This feature is incredibly useful because it demonstrates how the muscle looks on its own and how it fits with the body.

    See the real thing

    I always struggled in classes that didn’t have hands-on applications, like theoretical math, biology at a cellular level, etc. I always learn better when I can see what something looks like in real life. While seeing a cadaver can be shocking at first, being able to identify things you’re learning about, in real pictures, can change how you see them. A drawing of a deltoid muscle doesn’t show the detail that a picture of the real muscle can portray. The PAL 4.0 cadaver photos allow you to see the intricate details of the human muscular system. This has helped me with exams because I remember where those muscles are in my own body. 

    Who doesn’t like flashcards?

    I haven’t met a college student who doesn’t use flashcards for at least one of their classes; they are an easy way to learn definitions and simple topics. In anatomy, flashcards can be hard to use. How can I make flashcards for something I have to identify? Pearson’s PAL 4.0 provides students with excellent flashcards for every body system and specific region. Once you select a deck, you can choose to study them all or just some of the structures. PAL 4.0 then creates the personalized deck just for you. You’re then presented with an image of the structure you want to study; the other side of the flashcard has the definition. You can zoom in and out of the picture and pan it to get the full idea of the image. There is also an option to quiz yourself. A multiple-choice question will appear and ask you to identify the structure you saw. This amazing feature prepares you for any anatomy diagram a professor might throw at you.

    Between the flashcards, the cadaver images, and the 3D simulation, PAL 4.0 really has students’ success in mind. School can be incredibly overwhelming, especially when you don’t have the materials you need to succeed. Thankfully, Pearson consistently equips students with resources to minimize the stress of college.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 

  • A graphic with a blue background featuring the words ‘MyLab by Pearson’.

    The Best Features on MyLab

    Lexie Harris

    MyLab, if you didn’t know, is a Pearson online learning platform that covers over 50 subjects and classes. MyLab has great features for both students and instructors. Two of my favorites are the homepage calendar and the “Show Me an Example” button.

    Instructors also have a wide variety of ways to customize the platform. In the end, the wide range of features in Pearson’s MyLab benefit both the students and the instructors.

    Getting Organized with the Homepage Calendar

    The homepage calendar is one of my favorite features on MyLab. On the calendar, the days with assignments due have a small blue dot. The assignments are listed under categories. The most helpful is the one with the upcoming assignments. The homepage calendar is a terrific tool to help students get and stay organized.

    A Little Help from the ‘Show Me’ Tool

    Another one of my favorite features is the “Show Me an Example” button. This feature comes in especially helpful when taking math or math-related courses. If a student is having trouble working out a particular problem or part of a particular problem, clicking the “Show Me an Example” button will create a very similar problem. The platform will then walk the student through how to do the problem or part of the problem. It can help the student learn, reinforce a concept, and help with homework all in one. When I don’t fully understand a concept in class, I know I can use the “Show Me an Example” button to gain more mastery of that concept.

    Instructor Resources

    Instructors have some options in how they structure MyLab to align with how they want their students to learn in their class. An example of one way they can change MyLab for the students is by setting the maximum attempts each student has to answer a question. Another example is that an instructor can turn off the “Show Me an Example” button if they don’t want their students to use it. They can also pick the quantity of questions they want to assign as well as which specific questions. There are many more customizable features at the disposal for instructors to use at their preference.

    Pearson’s MyLab is a great online learning platform no matter what class you are using it for. The wide range of features make it a valuable resources for both students and instructors.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 

  • A view looking down on a college student’s desk featuring a large desk calendar, computer keyboard, computer mouse, and notepad. The student’s hand appears to be writing notes on the notepad.

    Struggling with Online Classes? Here are 5 Key Ingredients to Success

    McKinley Falkowski

    During my freshman year of college there was a constant joke going around about how online classes were so much easier than in-person classes. But during the past two years, I have learned that online classes are not easy at all, and I would argue can be much harder. I found it more difficult to grasp curriculum, and easier to focus on everything besides school and fall behind.

    If you are currently taking an online class, or are planning to take one soon, this blog is for you. Below are the five key ingredients I found to achieve success in online courses. These ingredients are tried and true and will never fail you.

    1. Organize your time – This is perhaps the most essential ingredient to success. You need to set aside time each week to focus on your class rather than simply doing assignments when you remember to do them. Setting aside time during the week is critical to getting your body in a groove and helps keep you on track in terms of due dates, leaving you ample time to study. My rule of thumb is to set aside two hours a week per credit hour for each online course you are taking.
    2. Write down all your assignments and due dates – It is easy for students to fall behind on work when they rely on a syllabus to tell them when an assignment is due. Syllabi are often complex and may not be organized in the most logical or coherent manner; it is easy to forget what assignments are due when even after reading them. That is why another key ingredient is to write down all the assignments and due dates. I use Microsoft Excel to write down all my assignments for all my classes into one sheet with each class designated by a different color listed by due date. This way I can quickly see what important projects are approaching.
    3. Utilize a calendar – When you organize your time, put your designated focus time for each class in your calendar. This way you won’t schedule other events like dinners, dates, or whatever, on time you already designated for your classes. Simply telling yourself that you will do the class material another time is a recipe for disaster! Keep yourself in the routine and use a calendar.
    4. Communicate – This may sound easy, but it is critical to communicate to others in the class, and to those in your life about what you are working on. Communicating with others about class work is an easy way to reinforce course material and keep your mind in the academic mindset. Additionally, communicating with family or friends about the fact that you are taking an online course allows an external check to exist as they might ask how your classes are going and what you are working on.
    5. Attend office hours – There is a reason why your professors or TAs have office hours each week and that is to help you. Take advantage of this opportunity to get one-on-one time with your instructor as they will help you fully grasp the course material. Plus, you will begin to establish a relationship which can help in the future should you need to ask them for letters of recommendation.

    Online classes aren’t easy, and that’s okay. But following these five ingredients are the key to success in online classes.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 

  • A screenshot of eight digital badge examples for topics related to career development and leadership.

    Best Places to Get Virtual Badging

    Rhea Mathur

    As the recruitment process relies more and more on virtual aspects, it is more important than ever to maintain an accurate and competitive online presence. Virtual badging is a newer way to receive recognition for skills learned on websites like and Virtual badging typically doesn’t take very long to obtain – for many LinkedIn Learning certifications, it could take anywhere between 45 minutes and 3 hours, making the commitment totally worth it!

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    The proper way to email your professor (or anyone on campus)

    Marissa Atilano

    As students begin college, a new chapter of adventures, discoveries, and experiences begins. They have the ability to develop relationships with many different people, including both peers and professors. In recent times, digital communication has become more important than ever before. Here are a few items to consider when establishing a professional and respectful line of communication with someone.

    Utilize Accessible Resources

    Anyone who has stepped foot on a college campus (or logged into a virtual class) has likely heard the phrase “check the syllabus”. It is important to refer to your accessible resources before emailing a professor directly. Often, the question can be answered by reading through a rubric, asking a friend, or reaching out to a teaching assistant. If this is the case, take advantage of these alternative methods before directly contacting your professor. Like many of us, professors have busy schedules and an overwhelming amount of emails to read. By using available resources, it saves both you and your professor valuable time.

    Crafting an Email

    If using available resources does not suffice, it may be necessary to contact professors directly. Professors expect professionalism in conversations and proper email etiquette from students. In all emails, it is important to include a proper greeting such as “Good morning”, “Dear Professor/ Dr.”, or even “Hello Professor/Dr.” to create a respectful relationship with the recipient. Be sure to use the proper title and the correct spellings of their name. Next, include your full name and a reference to how they know you. This can be the class session you are in, the organization they sponsor, or the conference where you met.

    To begin the body of the email, clearly state your question or reason for contacting them. After this, explain the action you are looking for as a result of the email. Some examples include: asking for a response to your question, requesting an appointment, or expecting an adjustment on a class assignment. Finally, include an appropriate signature which contains an expression of gratitude, your name, title, and contact information. Always be sure to include a subject and verify the email address before sending.

    Building a Relationship

    Contacting professors can be nerve-wracking to a student. The dynamic and expectations greatly differ from those in high school, so it is important to remain respectful and professional when contacting anyone on campus. Writing an email can be a great way to engage with your professor outside of class. Building a relationship beyond the classroom can lead to great connections and opportunities, like research positions or internships.

    In times where face to face conversation can be limited, digital communication is a great way to continue expanding your network.


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    Digital note taking with Microsoft OneNote

    Krystal Nichols

    If you are a student with access to a computer or tablet, this blog is for you! Going through our academic careers today has so many advantages. With the move towards digital educational materials, we no longer have to lug around multiple heavy textbooks and notebooks. But how can we continue and improve our organization to optimize our study habits and, ultimately, our grades? The past year, I made the switch to digital note taking with the Microsoft application OneNote; students with a school email can download it for free on any device. These tricks have helped keep my notes creative and organized when planning for my classes or studying for that big test!