The Importance of College Mentorship

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Tristan Deveyra
The words ‘The Importance of College Mentorship’ appear over a collage of pictures of a laptop, people wearing hard hats, and two students talking.

When I first came to college, there were so many new and amazing opportunities that were plopped right in front of me. It was incredible to see all the new career paths, adventures, and professional opportunities I could enjoy. Not to mention all the social events and fun that could be had just a 5-minute walk away on a Thursday night. These opportunities were both exciting and extremely overwhelming. So many directions opened that I felt like I was looking everywhere all at once. Then, once I met my mentors, I realized that college mentors can provide you with incredibly valuable guidance that you may not find elsewhere. The realization of the importance of mentors to me forever changed my life. My mentors have helped me socially, professionally, financially, the list goes on!

My Mentors

I am grateful to have the privilege of sharing these pictures of two incredible mentors who have made an indescribable impact on my life through my involvement in our organization. On the left, is Ashley Siloran, the former president of the Asian Business Student Association (ABSA) at The University of Houston, and alongside her is Steven Nguyen, the former vice president of Public Relations of the ABSA. 

Two profile images of a female and male college student.

They have been an integral part of my personal and leadership growth within ABSA, guiding me every step of the way. I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to them because, without their unwavering support, I wouldn't be where I am today. I vividly recall the excitement of informing Steven "Migo" Nguyen about my upcoming Pearson Campus Ambassador interview, as he was the first person I confided in. The emotional support I have received from these mentors is unparalleled and irreplaceable.

Types of College Mentors and Where to Find Them

Peer Mentors: Peer mentors are fellow students who have insight and experience to share to help you achieve student success. Many student organizations have mentorship programs in place to connect experienced members with newcomers. These mentors play a crucial role in your growth as they have a direct connection to your community and the organization you'll be involved with daily. They can provide guidance on leadership, career development, and navigating organizational dynamics. Moreover, if you're part of local sororities or fraternities, older members, often referred to as "bigs," can serve as mentors. These mentors offer not only professional advice but also invaluable insights into college life and personal experiences.

Corporate/Professional Mentors: When exploring the corporate world, you'll come across numerous opportunities to connect with corporate mentors. Applying for internships and leadership programs at various companies during the summer can lead you to be assigned a mentor. These mentors can help you develop your professional skills and corporate identity. They are valuable resources for career guidance, industry insights, and professional development.

Religious Mentors: Your local religious community can serve as a source of mentors as well. By visiting places of worship near your campus, you can find numerous opportunities to connect with mentors who can guide you in your religious practices and faith throughout your college journey. These mentors can provide spiritual support, offer advice on integrating your faith into your college life, and help you navigate any challenges or questions that arise along the way.

Mentors are Everywhere

Mentors are here to help! Leadership is a two-way street, those who lead and those who are led grow simultaneously. This fact is what drives the power of mentorship. Don’t waste the opportunity and resource of having a great college mentor, especially in this awesome time of your life.

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