Accessibility 101 and Screen Readers

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Students have many different needs, and they require your help to be successful. So, what can you do to help them? Join the experts from our Pearson higher ed accessibility team to learn about digital accessibility and gather action items for making your class more accessible. The team will also discuss ways to support students with disabilities and provide best practices for using screen readers and other assistive technologies.

Alyssa Cheeseman, Accessibility Support Associate, Pearson
Lindsey Sneed, CPACC Certified Accessibility Support Specialist, Pearson

Students have many different needs, and they require your help to be successful. So, what can you do to help them? Join the experts from our Pearson higher ed accessibility team to learn about digital accessibility and gather action items for making your class more accessible. The team will also discuss ways to support students with disabilities and provide best practices for using screen readers and other assistive technologies.

