THINK World Religions, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (July 30, 2012) © 2013

  • Roy R. Robson University of the Sciences



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THINK Currency. THINK Relevancy. THINK World Religions

THINK World Religionsis informed with the latest research and the most contemporary examples, allowing you to bring current events directly into your classroom with little additional work.

An engaging visual design developed through extensive student feedback will appeal to your students and deliver the core concepts of World Religions in a way that they can actually understand.

In addition, a groundbreaking instructor supplements package will help you bring the core concepts of World Religions to life without burdening your students with heavy, too dense or too expensive learning solutions. 

A better teaching and learning experience

The teaching and learning experience with this program helps to:

  • Improve Critical Thinking — The text will help you consider how each religion grapples with a series of important ideas
  • Engage Students —  Written in an anecdotal style, students will be pulled in with the author’s narrative’s of his real-world experiences and work.
  • Support Instructors — All supplements were developed around the textbook’s carefully constructed learning objectives.

THINK Currency. THINK Relevancy. THINK World Religions

  • THINK World Religionstakes a joint historical and contemporary approachto the study of world religions. The text devotes two chapters to each major world religion, the first of which provides an overview of the tradition, and the second of which explores how ordinary people practice their religion today.
  • An engaging visual design provides a clear explanation of the core concepts of World Religions and promotes critical thinking through a highly engaging fashion that will capture and keep your students' attention.
  • Four Questions Organizational Themehelps students consider how each religion grapples with a series of important ideas; “What is essential?” “What does it mean to be human?” “How do humans interact with the sacred?” and “How does the sacred become community?” By asking the same questions of each religion, students will be able develop their own critical skills through comparison, contrast, and analysis.
  • Shows therelationship between religion and its people. Each religion is studied in two chapters. The first chapter covers the questions of divinity and humanity, giving students an overview of the tradition. The second chapter examines the human experience in the context of the tradition and explores how ordinary people practice their religion in the world today.
  • Value-Priced - less than half the cost of most World Religions textbooks!
  • Create a Custom Text: For enrollments of at least 25, create your own textbook by combining chapters from best-selling Pearson textbooks and/or reading selections in the sequence you want.  To begin building your custom text, visit You may also work with a dedicated Pearson Custom editor to create your ideal text—publishing your own original content or mixing and matching Pearson content. Contact your Pearson Publisher’s Representative to get started


  • End-of-chapter study material (ex. p. 100-01, 198-99) includes:
    • A Summary
    • Key Terms
    • Questions for Study and Review
    • Resources, citations, and bibliographies


  • “Internal Conflicts and Contemporary Issues” boxes are integrated into each chapter, these boxes discuss topics specific to each religion or related to today’s society, giving students ideas for their own reading a research. Topics include:  marriage, politics, or gender issues. (ex. p. 42, 48, 172, 173)
  • “A Sacred Place” feature:  Through descriptions and illustrations, this feature will allow a student to take a peek inside religious buildings. (ex. p. 24-25, 120-21, 158-59)
  • “Religion +” boxes discuss the relationship of religion with the outside world, just as religion + science, religion + technology, religion + nature. (ex. p. 110, 232, 274)
  • “THINK World Religions” boxes contain information to help students relate religious concepts to pertinent topics. (ex. p. 130, 149, 261)


  • The organization of each chapter follows four questions theme:
    • “What is essential?” (ex. p. 86)
    • “What does it mean to be human?” (ex. p. 94)
    • “How do humans interact with the sacred?” (ex. p. 104)
    • “How does the sacred become community?” (ex. p. 111)

By asking the same questions of each religion, students will be able develop their own critical skills through comparison, contrast, and analysis.


  • An outstanding supplements packageincludes an Instructor’s Manual, Test Bank, PowerPoints, Flashcards, and Audio files that support a wide range of instructional settings, including small discussion groups, large lecture halls, and online or Web-based courses.
  • Create a Custom Text - For enrollments of at least 25, create your own textbook by combining chapters from best-selling Pearson textbooks and/or reading selections in the sequence you want.  To begin building your custom text, visit You may also work with a dedicated Pearson Custom editor to create your ideal text–publishing your own original content or mixing and matching Pearson content. Contact your Pearson Publisher’s Representative to get started.
  • Important changes in contemporary issues have been updated, including the results of Myanmar’s Buddhist monks’ protests and the debate over President Obama’s religious heritage and beliefs.
  • End-of-chapter resources, citations, and bibliographies have been expanded to include up-to-date sources and references
  • Revised and streamlined graphics help cultivate lively class discussion

In this Section:
1. Brief Table of Contents

2. Full Table of Contents




Chapter 1:     Thinking about Relgion

Chapter 2:     Talking about Religion

Chapter 3:     Hinduism:  The Eternal Law

Chapter 4:     Hinduism:  Law and Life

Chapter 5:     Buddhism:  Becoming Awake

Chapter 6:     Buddhism:  Awakening the World

Chapter 7:     East Asian Sacred Ways:  The Eternal Dao

Chapter 8:     East Asian Sacred Ways:  Harmony in the World

Chpater 9:     Judaism:  A Chosen People Choosing God

Chapter 10:   Judaism:  Israel in the Diaspora

Chapter 11:   Christianity:  The God-Man Messiah

Chapter 12:   Christianity:  Communion and Community

Chapter 13:   Islam:  Submission and Faith

Chapter 14:   Islam:  The Pillars and the Umma

Chapter 15:   Religions of Place:  A Sacred World Around Us

Chapter 16:   New Religions:  A Quest for the Sacred



Chapter 1:     Thinking About Religion

Religion as a Field of Study  

Asking Questions about Religion  

The Four Questions  

Is There a God?  

What Does It Mean to Be Human?  

How Do Humans Interact with the Sacred?  

How Does the Sacred Become Community?  

Do You Have Other Questions?  

Critical Thinking with THINK World Religions  

The Visual Summary  

Doing Research on Religions  

Creating a Question Matrix  

Important Parts of the Book  


Chapter 2:     Talking about Religion

Steeler Nation or Church of the Steelers?  

Can We Describe Steeler Nation as a Religion?  

Characteristics of Religions  

Why Is Religion so Difficult to Talk About?  

The Steeler Nation  

Strategies for Studying World Religions  

The Big Question: Is Religion True or False?  

What Is Truth?  

THINK World Religions: Truthfulness vs. “Truthiness”  

Can There Be More Than One Truth?  

THINK World Religions: Pontius Pilate: “What Is Truth?”  

Back to Steeler Nation  

Visual Summary  

Chapter Review  


Chapter 3:     Hinduism:  The Eternal Law

A Sacred Place: A Hindu Temple  

Is There a God in Hinduism?  


Sacred Texts and Traditions  

A Sacred Action: The Puja  

Brahman: Source of All Divinity  

Three Main Gods of Hinduism  

THINK World Religions: Beliefs and Science  

Primary Gods: A Closer Look  

Rocks, Rivers, and Animals  

What Does it Mean to Be Human?  

The Caste System  

THINK World Religions: The Story of Purusha from the Rig-veda  

Human Beings: Out of Touch with Brahman  

Dharma and Karma  

Internal Conflict: Cows and Hinduism  

Moksha: Breaking the Cycle  

Chapter Review  


Chapter 4:     Hinduism:  Law and Life

A Place in the World: The Bharatiya Temple  

How Do Humans Interact with the Sacred?  

The Path of Works: Sacrifice, Purity, and Ritual  

Internal Conflict: Ahimsa and Social Movements  

The Path of Devotion: Bhakti  

The Yogic Paths of Knowledge  

How Does the Sacred Become Community?  

Religion and the Family  

Hindu Views of Death  

THINK World Religions: Sati: Ritual Widow Burning  

Sanatana Dharma and the Caste System  

Religion + Gender: Women in Hinduism  

Contemporary Religions Issues: Gandhi, Hinduism, and Politics  


Visual Summary  

Chapter Review  


Chapter 5:     Buddhism:  Becoming Awake

A Sacred Place: The Fogong Si Temple  

Is There a God?  

God or Gods in Buddhism: No, Yes, and Maybe  

A Sacred Action: Alms-Giving  

The Life of the Buddha  

THINK World Religions: Some Sanskrit and Pali Equivalent Terms in Buddhism  

Principles of Buddhism  

What Does It Mean to Be Human?  

The Eightfold Path  

THINK World Religions: A U.S. Army Chaplain Who Is a Buddhist  

The Human Condition in Theravada and Mahayana Traditions  

THINK World Religions: King Ashoka and the Spread of Buddhism  

Internal Conflict: Buddhism and Gender  

Chapter Review  


Chapter 6:     Buddhism:  Awakening the World

A Place in the World: Protests in Myanmar  

How Do Humans Interact with the Sacred?  

The First Jewel: Taking Refuge in the Buddha  

THINK World Religions: Secret Tantric Practice  

The Second Jewel: Taking Refuge in the Dharma  

Religion + Health: Mind Over Body  

How Does the Sacred Become Community?  

Monastic Life  

Monastery and Laity: Tibetan Buddhism  

Buddhism Without a Monastic Sangha: Buddhism Comes to the West  

Contemporary Religious Issues: Tibet and China  


Visual Summary  

Chapter Review  


Chapter 7:     East Asian Sacred Ways:  The Eternal Dao

A Sacred Place: Chang Ling  

Is There a God?  

Dao, Qi, and Yin/Yang  

A Sacred Action: Tai Chi  

The Yijing (I Ching)  

Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism: Syncretic Traditions in East Asia 

THINK World Religions: The Analects  

Buddhism in East Asia  

What Does It Mean to Be Human? 

The Confucian View of Humanity 

The Daoist View of Humanity 

Internal Conflict: Legalism  

THINK World Religions: The Immortals  

Chapter Review  


Chapter 8:     East Asian Sacred Ways:  Harmony in the World

A Place in the World: Lion Dance in New York’s Chinatown  

How Do Humans Interact with the Sacred?  

Veneration of Confucius  

Interacting with the Dao through Qi 

Contemporary Religious Issues: Falun Gong  

Religion + Medicine: Acupuncture

How Does the Sacred Become Community? 


THINK World Religions: What’s in a Name?  


Community in East Asian Buddhist Traditions  

THINK World Religions: Chairman Mao and the People’s Republic  


Visual Summary  

Chapter Review  


Chpater 9:     Judaism:  A Chosen People Choosing God

A Sacred Place: The Central Synagogue  

What Is Judaism? 

A Sacred Action: Bar and Bat Mitzvah 

Is There a God?  

Proof of God 

Definition of God 

The Name of God  

How Does God Communicate with Us? 

THINK World Religions: Where Are the Pictures?  

What Does It Mean to Be Human?  

“In the Beginning”  

The Human Condition: Abraham, Isaac, and Becoming a Chosen People  

THINK World Religions: Jews, Israel, or Children of Israel: Which Term Is Correct?  

The Commandments: Words and Deeds  

History and Meaning: Cycles of Sin and Redemption 

THINK World Religions: What Happens after We Die?  

THINK World Religions: A Psalm of Hope and Longing  

Chapter Review  


Chapter 10:   Judaism:  Israel in the Diaspora

A Place in the World: The Eruv  

How Do Humans Interact with the Sacred?  


Following the Commandments: The Example of Food  

Religion + Education: The Importance of Education in Judaism  

THINK World Religions: Deuteronomy 14:1–21  

Mystical Judaism and the Kabbalah  

How Does the Sacred Become Community?  

Calendar and Life Cycle Rituals 

Denominations in American Judaism 

Judaism in the Modern World  

THINK World Religions: Reconstructionist Judaism 

Contemporary Religious Issues: Holocaust Denial  


Visual Summary  

Chapter Review  

Chapter 11:   Christianity:  The God-Man Messiah

A Sacred Place: St. Stephen’s of Walbrook  

The Messiah: Jesus Christ 

Is There a God?

A Sacred Action: Liturgy and Eucharist  

THINK World Religions: Paul’s Mystical Experience  

THINK World Religions: Varieties of Early Christianity  

Seeking God in the Early Christian Church  

THINK World Religions: Christianity and Popular Culture: The DaVinci Code  

The Problem with the Holy Trinity  

THINK World Religions: Don’t Understand the Holy Trinity? Try These Techniques!  

What Does It Mean to Be Human?  

Christian Confessions  

Internal Conflict: Good Nature but Evil Deeds? 1

What Happens When Human Beings Die? Christian Ideas of Heaven and Hell  

Christianity + Literature: Dostoevsky, On Hell  

Internal Conflict: Christianity and Evolution

Chapter Review


Chapter 12:   Christianity:  Communion and Community

A Place in the World: Mother Teresa of Calcutta  

How Do Humans Interact with the Sacred?  

What’s in a Name? Churches, Denominations, and Communities  

THINK World Religions: Justin Martyr Describes Christian Interaction with the Sacred  

The Eucharist: An Ancient Christian Form of Communion with God  

Prayer: Personal and Communal Interaction with the Sacred  

THINK World Religions: Music and Prayer  

Contemplation and Quiet as Forms of Interaction with the Sacred  

THINK World Religions: Spiritual Double Clicking  

Finding a Direct Link to God: The Charismatic Movement  

How Does the Sacred Become Community?  


Calendars, Rituals and Community Celebrations  

Communal Worship and Identity  

Christians in the World  

Religion + Politics in the USA: The Religious Right  


Visual Summary  

Chapter Review  


Chapter 13:   Islam:  Submission and Faith

A Sacred Place: Selimiye Mosque, Turkey  

Is There a God?  

The “Glorious Qur’an”  

A Sacred Action: Sandys Travailes  

God and the Kaaba  

THINK World Religions: “Allah” or “God”?  

Comprehending God in Islam  

Religion + People of the Book: Judaism and Christianity in the Qur’an  

What Does It Mean to Be Human?  

Muhammad’s Biography  

Islam After Muhammad’s Death  

Women in Islam  

THINK World Religions: Behind the Veil: Why Islam’s Most Visible Symbol Is Spreading  

The Sira, Sunna, and Hadith  

Religion + Secular Literature: The Fatwa of Salman Rushdie  

What Happens after Humans Die? 

Chapter Review  


Chapter 14:   Islam:  The Pillars and the Umma

A Place in the World: Mecca  

How Do Humans Interact with the Sacred?  

Shahada: Witnessing and Professing Faith in God  

The Shia Shahada: Purity and Fidelity  

THINK World Religion: Message to the Blackman in America by Elijah Muhammad 

Interacting with the Divine through Prayer: The Second Pillar of Islam  

Interacting with God through Food and Fasting: The Third Pillar of Islam  

THINK World Religions: Islam and Ritual Purity  

Sufism: Mystical Interaction with the Sacred 

Religion + Poetry: The Poet Rumi  

THINK World Religions: The Intoxication of Qalandar  

How Does the Sacred Become Community?  

Giving to the Poor: The Fourth Pillar of Islam  

The Hajj: The Fifth Pillar of Islam  

Jihad in a Modern World?  


Visual Summary  

Chapter Review  


Chapter 15:   Religions of Place:  A Sacred World Around Us

A Sacred Place: The Tipi  

Is There a God?  

A Sacred Action: Black Elk’s Vision  

THINK World Religions: Glooskap the Divinity  

The Medicine Wheel  

THINK World Religions: Sacred Land and Sacred Power Across the Globe  

What Does It Mean to Be Human?  

How Do Humans Interact with the Sacred? How Does the Sacred Become Community?  

Sacred Words  

From Words to Steps: The Vision Quest  

Steps Become Ritual: The Sun Dance  

American Indian Spirituality Meets Christian Spirituality: Is God Red or White?  

Breaking the Sacred Bonds of the Land: Native Americans and the U.S. Government  

Thinking About Indigenous World Religions 

THINK World Religions: Casinos and Native American Life 


Visual Summary  

Chapter Review  


Chapter 16:   New Religions:  A Quest for the Sacred

A Sacred Place: Stonehenge  

A Sacred Action: The Blessing Ceremony  

Defining the New Religious Movements  

Is There a God?  

A New Path for Christianity: The Unification Movement  

Wicca and the New Age: Ancient Magick for a Modern Era  

Religion + Violence: New Religious Movements + Violence 5 Cults?  

Religion + The Supernatural: UFOlogy  

What Does It Mean to Be Human?  


Wicca and the New Age  

How Do Humans Interact with the Sacred?  


Wicca and the New Age  

How Does the Sacred Become Community?  


Wicca and the New Age  

Community and Celebrity in the New Age  

Religion + Controversy: Religious Pluralism  

Conclusion: Thinking about New Religious Movements  

Visual Summary 

Chapter Review

Roy R. Robson is Professor of History and Director of the Honors Program at University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. He teaches courses on modern Europe, Russia, and world religions. His interdisciplinary teaching includes “Intellectual Heritage: Time” and “Views of the Cosmos." Robson writes extensively on Russian history and world religions. His last book,Solovki, won praise from the New YorkerThe Times (London), Condé Nast Traveler, and the Journal of Modern History. Robson serves as the series editor on Orthodox Christianity for Northern Illinois University Press. This year, the National Endowment for the Humanities honored the University’s Intellectual Heritage program by granting Dr. Robson a fellowship to expand his course on Time. Dr. Robson is president-elect of the Southern Conference on Slavic Studies, the largest regional association of Slavic scholars in America.

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