A User's Guide to Engineering, 1st edition
Published by Pearson (November 17, 2005) © 2006
- James N. Jensen
Price Reduced From: $133.32
Part I: Discovering Engineering
Chapter 1: About Discovering Engineering
1.1 Introduction
Focus On Choosing Engineering: So Why Did You Become an Engineer?
1.2 Welcome to Engineering
1.3 How to Discover Engineering
Focus On Diversity in Engineering: The Real McCoy?
1.4 Engineering Education: What You Should Expect
1.4.1 Eaton’s first rule: “ ... make practical applications of all the sciences ...”
1.4.2 Eaton’s second rule: “... take the place of the teacher ... [in] exercises.”
1.4.3 Eaton’s third rule: “... attend to but one branch of learning at the same time...”
1.4.4 Eaton’s fourth rule: “Let the amusements and recreation of students be of a scientific character.”
1.4.5 Eaton’s fifth rule: “Let every student daily criticize those whose exercise he has attended ...”
1.5 Summary
Summary of Key Ideas
Chapter 2: What is Engineering?
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Defining Engineering
2.3 Engineering as an Applied Discipline
2.3.1 Knowledge generation versus knowledge implementation
2.3.2 The role of engineering
2.4 Engineering As Creative Problem Solving
2.4.1 Solving problems
2.4.2 Standard approaches to solving problems
2.4.3 Creative approaches to solving problems
2.5 Engineering as Constrained Optimization
2.5.1 Constraints
2.5.2 Feasibility
Focus On Constrained Optimization: A Square Peg in a Round Hole
2.6 Engineering as Making Choices
2.7 Engineering as Helping Others
2.8 Engineering as a Profession
2.9 Summary
Summary of Key Ideas
Chapter 3: Engineering Careers
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Engineering Jobs
3.2.1 Availability of jobs
3.2.2 Introduction to engineering jobs
3.2.3 Engineers in industry
3.2.4 Engineers in service
3.2.5 Engineers in government
3.2.6 Other engineering jobs
3.2.7 Engineering education as a route to other fields
Focus On Non-Engineers: It’s Not Hedy, It’s Hedley
3.3 Job Satisfaction in Engineering
3.3.1 What does “job satisfaction” mean to you?
3.3.2 Engineering salaries
3.4 Future of Engineering Employment
3.5 Summary
Summary of Key Ideas
Chapter 4: Engineering Disciplines
4.1 Introduction
4.2 How Many Engineering Disciplines Exist?
4.3 Chemical Engineering
4.3.1 Technical areas
4.3.2 Applications
4.3.3 Curriculum
4.4 Civil Engineering
4.3.1 Technical areas
4.3.2 Applications
4.3.3 Curriculum
4.5 Electrical Engineering
4.5.1 Technical areas
4.5.2 Applications
4.5.3 Curriculum
4.6 Industrial Engineering
4.6.1 Technical areas
4.6.2 Applications
4.6.3 Curriculum
4.7 Mechanical Engineering
4.7.1 Technical areas
4.7.2 Applications
4.7.3 Curriculum
4.8 Major Engineering Subdisciplines
4.8.1 Introduction
4.8.2 Materials engineering
4.8.3 Aeronautical, astronautical, and aerospace engineering
4.8.4 Environmental engineering
4.8.5 Agricultural engineering
4.8.6 Biomedical engineering
4.9 How Do New Engineering Disciplines Evolve?
4.9.1 Introduction
4.9.2 Creation of new field by budding
4.9.3 Creation of new field by merging
Focus On Emerging Disciplines: So You Want to Be a Nanoengineer?
4.10 Summary
Summary of Key Ideas
Part II: Engineering Problem Solving
Chapter 5: Introduction to Engineering Problem Solving and the Scientific Method
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 Engineering problems
5.1.2 The art and science of engineering problem-solving
5.1.3 Engineering solution methods
5.2 Approaches to Engineering Problem Solving
5.2.1 Introduction
5.2.2 Scientific method
5.2.3 Engineering analysis method
5.2.4 Engineering design method
5.2.5 Need for innovation
5.3 Introduction to the Scientific Method
5.3.1 Introduction
5.3.2. Scientific problem-solving process
5.4 Problem Definition
5.4.1 Introduction
5.4.2 Inclusive and exclusive definitions
5.4.3 Disadvantages of definitions that are not specific
5.5 Formulate a Hypothesis
5.5.1 Introduction
5.5.2 Hypotheses as testable statements
5.6 Test the Hypothesis
5.6.1 Testing a hypothesis by experiment
5.6.2 Testing a hypothesis by analysis
5.7 Drawing Conclusions from Hypothesis Testing
5.7.1 Rejecting a hypothesis
5.7.2 Conditionally accepting a hypothesis
5.8 Examples of the Use of the Scientific Method
5.9 Summary
Summary of Key Ideas
Chapter 6: Engineering Analysis Method
6.1 Introduction
6.1.1 Introduction to the engineering analysis method
6.1.2 Solving analysis problems
6.2 Gathering Data
6.2.1 Introduction
6.2.2 Data collection
6.3 Selecting the Analysis Method
6.3.1 Introduction
6.3.2 Selection of physical laws
6.3.3 Translation into mathematical expressions
6.4 Estimate the Solution
6.4.1 Introduction
6.4.2 Example
6.5 Solving the Problem
6.5.1 Solving mathematical expressions by isolating the unknown
6.5.2 “Golden Rule” of expression manipulation
6.5.3 Manipulating inequalities
6.5.4 Hints for manipulating equations
6.6 Check the Results
6.6.1 Introduction
6.6.2 Use logic to avoid aphysical answers
6.6.3 Using logic to check expression manipulation
6.6.4 Using estimation to check solutions
6.6.5 Using units to check solutions
6.7 Units
6.7.1 Introduction
6.7.2 Dimensional analysis
Focus On Units: The Multimillion Dollar Units Mistake
6.7.3 Units and functions
6.7.4 Units conversion
6.8 An Example of the Engineering Analysis Method
6.9 Summary
Summary of Key Ideas
Chapter 7: Engineering Design Method
7.1 Introduction
7.1.1 Introduction to engineering design
7.1.2 Solving design problems
7.2 Generating Multiple Solutions
7.2.1 Introduction
7.2.2 Brainstorming
7.2.3 Methods for generating new ideas
7.3 Analyzing Alternatives and Selecting a Solution
7.3.1 Analyzing alternatives
7.3.2 Selecting a solution
7.4 Implementing the Solution
7.5 Evaluating the Solution
7.6 Design Example
7.7 Design Parameters
7.7.1 Introduction
7.7.2 Example
7.7.3 Uses of design parameters
7.8 Innovations in Design
7.8.1 Introduction
7.8.2 Need for innovation
7.8.3 Design innovation by concurrent engineering
7.8.4 Design innovation by reengineering
7.8.5 Design innovation by reverse engineering
7.8.6 How to innovate
7.8.7 Translating failure into success through innovation
Focus On Design: What Comes Around, Goes Around
7.9 Summary
Summary of Key Ideas
Part III: Engineering Problem-Solving Tools
Chapter 8: Introduction to Engineering Problem-Solving Tools and Using Data
8.1 Introduction
8.1.1 Engineering problem-solving tools
8.1.2 Using data
8.2 Accuracy and Precision
8.2.1 Introduction
8.2.2 Accuracy
8.2.3 Precision
8.3 Rounding and Significant Digits
8.3.1 Introduction
8.3.2 Counting the number of significant digits
8.3.3 Exceptions to the rule: numbers with no decimal point and exact numbers
8.3.4 Reporting measurements
8.3.5 Rounding and calculations
8.4 Measures of Central Tendency
8.4.1 Introduction
8.4.2 Arithmetic mean
8.4.3 Median
8.4.4 Geometric mean
8.4.5 Harmonic mean
8.4.6 Quadratic mean
8.4.7 Mode
8.5 Measures of Variability
8.5.1 Introduction
8.5.2 Variance
8.5.3 Standard deviation
8.5.4 Relative standard deviation
8.5.5 Variability and data collection in engineering
Focus On Variability: Paying to Reduce Uncertainty
8.6 Summary
Summary of Key Ideas
Chapter 9: Engineering Models
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Why Use Models?
9.3 Types of Models
9.3.1 Introduction
9.3.2 Conceptual models
9.3.3 Physical models
9.3.4 Mathematical models
9.3.5 Other kinds of models
Focus On Models: Mathematical or Physical Model?
9.4 Using Models and Data to Answer Engineering Questions
9.4.1 Interplay of models and data
9.4.2 Potential errors
9.4.3 Model fits
9.4.4 Using calibrated models
9.4.5 Determining model fit
9.4.6 Are engineering models real?
9.5 Summary
Summary of Key Ideas
Chapter 10: Computing Tools in Engineering
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Computer Hardware
10.2.1 Computer types
10.2.2 Microprocessors
10.2.3 Memory and mass storage
10.2.4 Input, output, and communication devices
10.3 General Computer Software
10.3.1 Introduction
10.3.2 Operating systems
10.3.3 Communications software
10.3.4 Spreadsheet software
10.4 Engineering and Science Specific Software
10.4.1 Introduction
10.4.2 Programming software
10.4.3 Trends in programming software
10.4.4 Symbolic math software
10.4.5 Computer-aided design
10.4.6 Discipline-specific software
10.5 The Internet
10.5.1 Introduction
10.5.2 Structure of the Internet
10.5.3 Uses of the Internet
10.6 Summary
Summary of Key Ideas
Chapter 11: Feasibility and Project Management
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Technical Feasibility
11.3 Engineering Economics
11.3.1 Costs of engineering projects
11.3.2 Time value of money
11.3.3 Calculating the present and future value of money
11.3.4 Uniform series
11.3.5 Engineering economics calculations
11.4 Economic Feasibility
11.4.1 Introduction
11.4.2 Comparing alternatives
11.4.3 Example
11.5 Fiscal Feasibility
11.5.1 Introduction
11.5.2 Bonds
11.5.3 Example
11.6 Social, Political, and Environmental Feasibility
11.7 Project Management
11.7.1 Introduction
11.7.2 Project planning
11.7.3 Project scheduling
11.7.4 Critical path method
11.8 Summary
Summary of Key Ideas
Part IV: Technical Communication
Chapter 12: Introduction to Technical Communication
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Role of Technical Communication in Engineering
12.2.1 Technical communication as a professional skill
12.2.2 Technical communication and employment
12.3 Misconceptions About Technical Communication
12.3.1 Misconception #1: Technical communication is inherently boring
12.3.2 Misconception #2: Engineering communication is passive
12.3.3 Misconception #3: Technical communication is best left to non-engineering specialists
12.3.4 Misconception #4: Good technical communicators are born, not made
12.4 Critical First Steps
12.4.1 Presentation goals
12.4.2 Target audience
12.4.3 Constraints
12.5 Organization
12.5.1 Outlines
12.5.2 Signposting
12.6 Using Tables and Figures to Present Data
12.6.1 Use of tables and figures
12.6.2 Common characteristics of tables and figures
12.7 Tables
12.8 Figures
12.8.1 Scatter plots
12.8.2 Bar charts
12.8.3 Pie charts
Focus On Figures: Of Plots and Space Shuttles
12.9 Creativity in Technical Presentations
12.9.1 Creative conciseness
12.9.2 Thinking visually
12.10 Summary
Summary of Key Ideas
Chapter 13: Written Technical Communications
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Overall Organization of Technical Documents
13.2.1 Introduction
13.2.2 General organization
13.2.3 Abstract
13.2.4 Introduction
13.2.5 Methods
13.2.6 Results and discussion
13.2.7 Conclusions and recommendations
13.2.8 References
13.2.9 Signposting in technical writing
13.3 Organizing Parts of Technical Documents
13.3.1 Paragraph organization
13.3.2 Sentence organization
13.3.3 Word choice
13.4 Grammar and Spelling
13.4.1 Subject-verb match
13.4.2 Voice
13.4.3 Tense
13.4.4 Pronouns
13.4.5 Adjectives and adverbs
13.4.6 Capitalization and punctuation
13.4.7 Spelling
13.4.8 Citation
13.4.9 Other problem areas
13.4.10 Proofreading
13.5 Types of Engineering Documents
13.5.1 Introduction
13.5.2 Reports
13.5.3 Letters
13.5.4 Memorandums
Focus On Writing: Whither Paper Reports?
13.6 Summary
Summary of Key Ideas
Chapter 14: Oral Technical Communications
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Before the Talk: Organization
14.3 Before the Talk: Designing Visual Aids
14.3.1 Number of visual aids
14.3.2 Types of visual aids
14.3.3 Content of visual aids: word slides
14.3.4 Content of visual aids: data slides
14.3.5 Special notes about computer-based presentations
14.4 Before the Talk: Preparing to Present
14.4.1 Practicing oral presentations
14.4.2 Memory aids
14.5 During the Talk
14.5.1 Pre-talk activities
14.5.2 Group presentations
14.5.3 Nervousness
14.5.4 What to say
14.5.5 How to say it
Focus On Talks: Horror Stories
14.6 After the Talk
14.7 Summary
Summary of Key Ideas
Part V: Engineering Profession
Chapter 15: Introduction to the Engineering Profession and Professional Registration
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Professional Issues
15.2.1 What is a profession?
15.2.2 Engineering as a profession
15.2.3 Judgment and discretion in engineering
15.2.4 Admission to the profession
15.2.5 Self-policing
Focus On Professionalism: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
15.3 Professional Engineers
15.3.1 Introduction
15.3.2 Why Become a professional engineer?
15.4 The Registration Process
15.4.1 Overview
15.4.2 The accredited degree
15.4.3 Fundamentals of Engineering Examination
15.4.4 Experience
15.4.5 Principles and Practice Examination
Focus On Registration: PE or Not PE?
15.5 After Registration
15.6 Summary
Summary of Key Ideas
Chapter 16: Engineering Ethics
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Why Should Engineers Be Ethical?
16.3 Codes of Ethics
16.3.1 Introduction
16.3.2 NSPE Code of Ethics
16.4 Examples of Engineering Ethics
16.4.1 Not reporting violations
16.4.2 Whistle-blowing
Focus On Ethics: Workplace Ethics
16.5 Summary
Summary of Key Ideas
NSPE Code of Ethics for Engineers
Part VI: Case Studies in Engineering
Chapter 17: Introduction to the Engineering Case Studies
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Case Studies in this Text
17.2.1 Introduction
17.2.2 Using the case studies
17.3 Summary
Chapter 18: Millennium Bridge Case Study
18.1 Introduction
18.2 The Story
18.3 The Case Study
18.3.1 Introduction
18.3.2 Case study
18.3.3 Reporting
18.4 Study Questions
18.5 Acknowledgements and Further Reading
Summary of Key Ideas
Default Grading Scheme: Millennium Bridge Case Study
Chapter 19: Controllability Case Study
19.1 Introduction
19.2 The Story
19.3 The Case Study
19.3.1 Introduction
19.3.2 Case study
19.3.3 Modeling
19.3.4 Reporting
19.4 Study Questions
19.5 Acknowledgements and Further Reading
Default Grading Scheme: Controllability Case Study
Chapter 20: Dissolution Case Study
20.1 Introduction
20.2 The Story
20.3 The Case Study
20.3.1 Introduction
20.3.2 Case study
20.3.3 Reporting
20.4 Study Questions
20.5 Acknowledgements and Further Reading
Default Grading Scheme: Dissolution Case Study
Chapter 21: Computer Workstation Case Study
21.1 Introduction
21.2 The Story
21.3 The Case Study
21.3.1 Introduction
21.3.2 Case study
21.3.3 Reporting
21.4 Study Questions
21.5 Acknowledgements and Further Reading
Default Grading Scheme: Computer Workstation Case Study
Chapter 22: Power Transmission Case Study
22.1 Introduction
22.2 The Story
22.3 The Case Study
22.3.1 Introduction
22.3.2 Case study
22.3.3 Reporting
22.4 Study Questions
22.5 Acknowledgements and Further Reading
Default Grading Scheme: Power Transmission Case Study
Chapter 23: Walkway Collapse Case Study
23.1 Introduction
23.2 The Story
23.3 The Case Study
23.3.1 Introduction
23.3.2 Case study
23.3.3 Reporting
23.4 Study Questions
23.5 Acknowledgements and Further Reading
Default Grading Scheme: Walkway Collapse Case Study
Chapter 24: Trebuchet Case Study
24.1 Introduction
24.2 The Story
24.3 The Case Study
24.3.1 Introduction
24.3.2 Case study
24.3.3 Reporting
24.4 Study Questions
24.5 Acknowledgements and Further Reading
Default Grading Scheme: Trebuchet Case Study
Appendix A: Review of Physical Relationships A.1 Introduction A.2 Definitions A.2.1 Kinematic parameters A.2.2 Fundamental forces A.2.3 Other forces A.2.4 Energy, work, and power A.3 Decomposition by Vectors A.3.1 Position vectors A.3.2 Other vectors A.4 Conservation Laws A.5 Gradient-driven Processes
Appendix B: Greek Alphabet in Engineering, Science, and Mathematics Appendix C: Linear Regression C.1 Introduction C.2 Linear Regression Analysis C.3 Calculating Linear Regression Coefficients Appendix D: Using Solver
D.1 Introduction
D.2 Using Solver for Model Fitting
D.2.1 Introduction
D.2.2 Setting up the spreadsheet
D.2.3 Finding optimal parameter values
D.3 Using Solver with Constraints
D.3.1 Introduction
D.3.2 Finding optimal parameter values with constraints
D.4 Final Thoughts on Optimization
Appendix E: Extended Trebuchet Analysis
E.1 Introduction
E.2 Analysis
E.2.1 Introduction
E.2.2 Revised kinematic equations
E.2.3 Dependency on d and l/L
E.2.4 Results
Appendix F: References and Bibliographies
F.1 References
F.2 Annotated Bibliography: Technical Communication
F.3 Bibliographies for Focus OnsNeed help? Get in touch