Brief Contents
Part I: Setting the Stage: Multicultural Education Within a Sociopolitical Context
Chapter 1: Understanding the Sociopolitical Context of Schooling
Chapter 2: Defining Multicultural Education for School Reform (by Sonia Nieto)
Part II: Developing a Conceptual Framework for Multicultural Education
Chapter 3: Racism, Discrimination, and Expectations of Students’ Achievement
Chapter 4: Structural and Organizational Issues in Classrooms and Schools
Chapter 5: Culture, Identity, and Learning
Chapter 6: Linguistic Diversity in U.S. Classrooms
Chapter 7: Understanding Student Learning and School Achievement
Part III: Implications of Diversity for Teaching and Learning in a Multicultural Society
Chapter 8: Learning from Students
Chapter 9: Adapting Curriculum for Multicultural Classrooms (by Patty Bode)
Chapter 10: Affirming Diversity: Implications for Teachers, Schools, Families, and Communities