Every Child, Every Day: A Digital Conversion Model for Student Achievement, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (February 6, 2013) © 2014

  • Mark A. Edwards Sheffield University
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Foreword by Governor Jeb Bush and Governor Bob Wise


Chapter 1: Digital Conversion and the Moral Imperative

Chapter 2: A Culture of Caring

Chapter 3: Digital Resources and Infrastructure

Chapter 4: Evolutional Capacity Building 

Chapter 5: Instructional Transformation 

Chapter 6: Infodynamo: A Daily Date with Data

Chapter 7: Resource Alignment

Chapter 8: All In: Everyone Counts

Chapter 9: Replication




A.    Sample Meeting Agendas

B.    Planning Documents

C.   Teacher Evaluation Materials                       

D.   Real-Time Data

E.   Help Desk Procedures and Guidelines for Damages

F.   Mooresville Graded School District Visitors

G.  League of Innovative Schools


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