Foundations for Clinical Mental Health Counseling: An Introduction to the Profession, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (September 18, 2020) © 2021

  • Mark S. Gerig
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Brief Table of Contents

Chapter 1 — What is a Mental Health or Professional Counselor?

Chapter 2 — The Clinical Mental Health Counseling Profession in Historical Perspective

Chapter 3 — Theoretical Foundations for Clinical Mental Health Counselors

Chapter 4 — Traditional and Contemporary Theories of Counseling

Chapter 5 — Education, Licensure, and Certification

Chapter 6 — Ethical and Legal Issues in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Chapter 7 — The Practice of Clinical Mental Health Counseling: What We Do

Chapter 8 — Contexts for Professional Practice: Where Clinical Mental Health Counselors Work

Chapter 9 — Appraisal and Research in the Practice of Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Chapter 10 — Professional Practice in Multicultural Contexts

Chapter 11 — Managed Care and Third-Party Reimbursement

Chapter 12 — Community Mental Health: Program Development, Evaluation, and Management

Chapter 13 — The Future of Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Appendix A — Professional Associations

Appendix B — Selected Professional Training Institutes

Appendix C — State Licensure Boards


Detailed Table of Contents

Chapter 1- What Is a Mental Health or Professional Counselor?

What is a Counselor? Enter a Land of Confusion!

What It Means to be a Clinical Mental Health or Professional Counselor: Some Helpful Definitions

Relevant Professional Organizations

Other Specialties Within the Counseling Profession

Addictions Counseling

Career Counseling

College Counseling

Gerontological Counseling

Couples and Family Counseling

Rehabilitation Counseling

School Counseling

Clinical Mental Health Counseling and the Allied Mental Health Professions

Conclusion: The Process of Consolidating Professional Identity

Chapter 2 - The Clinical Mental Health Counseling Profession in Historical Perspective

Early Views and Treatment of Mental Health and Illness

The Emergence of Psychiatry

Roots of the Counseling-Related Professions

Movement Toward the Professionalization of Counseling

The Private Practice of Psychology

The Child Guidance Movement

Carl Rogers and Non-Directive Counseling

Marriage and Family Counseling

Rapid Expansion of Assessment and Increase Sophistication of Vocational Counseling

Post World War II and the Veterans Administration

The Influence of Professional Organizations

The Professionalization and Expansion of Mental Health Counseling

Problems in the Mental Health System

Increased Effectiveness of Psychopharmacological Interventions

Innovations in Counseling Theories and Techniques

Limited Availability of and Access to Community-Based Services

The Community Mental Health Centers Act of 1963

Emergence of Mental Health Counseling

Licensure of Mental Health and Professional Counselors

The Consolidation of the Mental Health Counseling Profession

Changing Roles, Tools, and Contexts: The Mental Health Professions Move Into the 21st Century

Application of Technology

Influence of Positive Psychology and Research into Wellness

Response to Natural and Human-Made Disasters


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Chapter 3 - Theoretical Foundations for Clinical Mental Health Counselors

Theory and Personal Characteristics of the Counselor



Interpersonal Style

Client Motivation and the Process of Change: The Transtheoretical Model

The Role of Theory in Counseling

Foundational Theories for Clinical Mental Health Counselors

Theories of Human Development

Ecological Perspective

Theories of Mental Health and Prevention of Mental Illness

Approaches to Mental Health Promotion

Prevention in the Context of Promoting Mental Health

Conclusion: The Clinical Mental Health Counseling Paradigm

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Chapter 4 - Traditional and Contemporary Theories of Counseling

Traditional Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy


Object Relations

Individual Psychology (Adlerian Therapy)

Behavior Therapy

Cognitive Approaches

Humanistic Therapies and Existential Theory

Narrative Therapy

Feminist Therapy

Family Therapy


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Chapter 5 — Education, Licensure, and Certification

Academic Preparation of Clinical Mental Health Counselors

The CACREP Model for the Training of Clinical Mental Health Counselors

Common Core Curriculum

CACREP Standards for Clinical Mental Health Counseling Programs


Contextual Dimensions


Professional Practice Standards in the Training of Clinical Mental Health Counselors

The Credentialing of Clinical Mental Health Counselors




Contemporary Issues in Education and Credentialing of Counselors

Licensure for Clinical Mental Health Counselors in All 50 States: What Comes Next?


Controversies and Growing Pains


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Chapter 6 - Ethical and Legal Issues in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

The Significance of Ethical Codes and the Law

The Relationship Between the Law and Codes of Ethics

Foundational Principles of Ethical Codes

Codes of Ethics

The Role of the ACA Ethics Committee and Investigation of Alleged Violations

Specific Ethical and Legal Issues

Competence and Scope of Practice

Informed Consent: Client’s Rights and Responsibilities

Confidentiality and Privileged Communication

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

Protection of Clients or Others from Harm

Taking Action When Child or Elder Abuse or Neglect Is Suspected

Protecting Clients Who Pose a Danger to Themselves

Clients Who Pose a Danger to Others

Clients with Communicable Diseases Whose Behavior Poses a Danger to Others

Professional Boundaries and Dual Relationships

Application of Technology in Counseling


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Chapter 7 — The Practice of Clinical Mental Health Counseling: What We Do

Application of the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Paradigm

Stages of Helping

Establishing the Relationship

Assessing or Defining the Presenting Problem

The Initial Interview and Biopsychosocial Assessment

Mental Status Exam

Diagnosis: DSM-V and the ICD-10

Identifying and Setting Goals

Choosing and Implementing Interventions

Planning and Introducing Termination and Follow-Up

Modalities of Intervention

Individual Counseling

Group Work

Family Counseling



Contextual Trends Influencing Treatment Processes

The Post-deinstitutionalization Era

Least Restrictive Treatment

Evidence-Based Treatment

Recovery and the Consumer Movement


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Chapter 8 — Contexts for Professional Practice: Where Clinical Mental Health Counselors Work

Clinical Mental Health Counselors on the Job: Special Populations

Homelessness and Mental Health

Treating Persons with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness.

Treating Clients with Co-Occurring Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders

Community Mental Health and Corrections

Community Mental Health, Disaster Response, and Emergency Management Systems

Disaster Response

Trauma-Informed Care

Emergency Management Systems

Clinical Mental Health Counselors on the Job: Selected Work Settings

Agency/Community Mental Health Centers

Private Practice

Substance Use Treatment Programs

Small College Counseling Center

University Health Service

In the Barn: Equine Therapy

Home-based Therapy

Integrated Behavioral Health in Primary Healthcare Settings


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Chapter 9 — Appraisal and Research in the Practice of Clinical Mental Health Counseling


The Use of Tests

Key Concepts and Principles in Appraisal

Classical True-Score Theory




Categories of Appraisal Techniques

Intelligence Tests

Achievement Tests

Aptitude Tests and Interest Inventories

Personality Tests

Self-Report Clinical Scales

Neuropsychological Screening and Assessment

Ethical Practice in Appraisal

Test Selection

Test Administration

Test Interpretation

Test Reporting


Key Concepts and Principles in Research




Operational Definitions

Specific Models of Research Design

Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Designs

Direct Observation

Survey Methods

Correlational Methods

Experimental Methods

Within Subjects Designs

Qualitative Methods


Statistical Analysis

Ethical Practice in Research


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Chapter 10 - Professional Practice in Multicultural Contexts

Diversity and Multiculturalism in America

Multiculturalism as the Fourth Force in Counseling

Key Definitions and Concepts

Barriers to Effective Multicultural Counseling


Cultural Encapsulation

Misapplication of Traditional Theories and Techniques

Systemic Barriers Within Counseling Delivery Systems

Language Barriers and Miscommunication


Foundational Principles in Multicultural Counseling

Activation of Schemas and Confirmation Bias

Between- and Within-Group Differences

Racial/Cultural Identity Development Theory


Multiple Identities

Multiple Heritage Identity Development

The Culturally Competent Counselor


Chapter 11 - Managed Care and Third-Party Reimbursement

The Context of Managed Care and Its Development Context

Financial Risk and the Rise of Insurance Companies

The Push Toward Managed Health Care

What Is Managed Care?

Procedures for Reducing Utilization

Pretreatment Authorization of Treatment

Concurrent Utilization Reviews

Incentives for Efficient Providers

Increased Employee and User/Client Cost Sharing

Procedures for Controlling Price Per Unit


Less Expensive but Equally Effective Treatment Approaches

Retrospective Claims Reviews

Responses of Mental Health Practitioners to the Contemporary Economic Context

Conclusion: Surviving in the Era of Managed Care

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Chapter 12 - Community Mental Health: Program Development, Evaluation, and Management

Historical Background: Community Mental Health in the United States

A Model of Mental Health Delivery Systems

Assessment of the Needs and Wants of Service Recipients


Goals, Objectives, and Program Outputs


Working Knowledge, Skills, and Resource Supports

Environmental Supports: Technology and Facility

Program Evaluation

Funding Programs Through Grants

Program Supervision, Management, and Leadership


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Chapter 13 - The Future of Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Current Factors Influencing the Profession

Professional Credentialing

Consolidation of Professional Identity

Political and Socio-Economic Climate

New Models and Delivery Systems

Contemporary Trends in the Application of Counseling Theory

Spirituality in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Biologicalization of Psychopathology and Wellness: Psychopharmacology, Neuroscience, and Neurocounseling

Economic Context and Application of Theory in Professional Practice

Strengths of the Contemporary Mental Health Counseling Profession

The Struggles of the Contemporary Mental Health Counseling Profession

How to Live Out Who We Are: Enacting the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Paradigm


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