Key Management Development Models: 70+ Tools For Developing Yourself and Managing Others, 1st edition

Published by FT Publishing International (November 5, 2015) © 2016

  • David Cotton

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Key Management Development Models provides the crucial information you need to develop your skills as a manager. Divided into two parts (Part 1: Developing Yourself & Part 2: Working with Others), each tool, model or idea will ensure you:

·    understand yourself better

·    understand how others perceive you

·    develop your credibility at work

·    make better choices in your management of others

·    become a more rounded professional, able to adapt your style to get the best out of yourself and others

About the author



Using this book




PART ONE Happiness   

1 Positive affirmations   

2 Positive mental attitude and content reframing


PART TWO Memory and recall  

3 Loci method

4 Number/rhyme method  


PART THREE Motivation 

5 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs   

6 Glasser’s choice theory   

7 Pink’s model of motivation


PART FOUR Personal change  

8 Cognitive restructuring  

9 The Secret/law of attraction (Byrne)   

10 Seven habits of highly effective people (Covey)   


PART FIVE Problem solving and decision making

11 Force field analysis   

12 Is/is not problem-solving technique  

13 Ladder of inference (Argyris)

14 OODA loop  

15 Polarity management   

16 Vroom–Yetton–Jago decision model


PART SIX Resilience  

17 Kobasa and 'hardiness'


PART SEVEN Self-awareness  

18 360° feedback  

19 Emotional intelligence

20 Johari window

21 Multiple intelligences   


PART EIGHT Self-confidence and stress management  

22 Anchoring a calm state

23 Meditation

24 Mindfulness  


PART NINE Time management, concentration and focus

25 Covey’s time matrix (Eisenhower)   

26 Getting things done (Allen)  

27 Wheel of life


PART TEN Learning  

28 Accelerated learning

29 Benziger’s thinking styles assessment

30 Kolb/Honey and Mumford learning styles   


PART ELEVEN Listening skills

31 Active listening   

32 Critical listening  

33 Relationship listening   




PART TWELVE Assertiveness   

34 The broken record 

35 Fogging   



36 CLEAR model (Hawkins)

37 GROW model (Whitmore et al.)

38 Solution-focused coaching (OSKAR)


PART FOURTEEN Communication   


40 Matching and mirroring  

41 Storytelling   

42 VAK (visual, auditory, kinaesthetic)   


PART FIFTEEN Conflict management  

43 Betari Box

44 Thomas–Kilmann conflict mode instrument


PART SIXTEEN Creativity   

45 Brain-friendly brainstorming   

46 Challenging assumptions  

47 PMI (plus, minus, interesting)

48 Random word technique  



PART SEVENTEEN Giving feedback   

50 EEC Model   

51 EENC  


PART EIGHTEEN Goal setting  

52 Locke and Latham’s five principles

53 Reticular activating system   

54 SMART goals  

55 CASE – behavioural objectives  


PART NINETEEN Influence and persuasion

56 4Ps of persuasion  

57 Bilateral brain theory   

58 Embedded commands

59 Locus of control (Weiner’s attribution theory)

David Cotton spent 21 years with Arthur Andersen & PwC before becoming a freelance trainer. He's worked in 40 countries and his clients include the European Parliament, European Commission, UN, BBC, Syrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Russian Federal Commission, Croatian MOD, PwC, many Middle Eastern oil & gas companies, Manchester Business School & more.

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