Perspectives on Personality: Classic Theories and Modern Research, 6th edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2016

  • Howard S. Friedman University of California, Riverside
  • Miriam W. Schustack California State University - San Marcos
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1. What Is Personality?
2. How Is Personality Studied and Assessed?
3. Psychoanalytic Aspects of Personality
4. Neo-Analytic and Ego Aspects of Personality
5. Biological Aspects of Personality
6. Behaviorist and Learning Aspects of Personality
7. Cognitive and Social-Cognitive Aspects of Personality
8. Trait Aspects of Personality
9. Humanistic, Existential, and Positive Aspects of Personality
10. Person-Situation Interactionist Aspects of Personality
11. Male-Female Differences
12. Stress, Adjustment, and Health Differences
13. Culture, Religion, and Ethnicity
14. Love and Hate
15. Where Will We Find Personality?

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