Shakespeare, From Page to Stage: An Anthology of the Most Popular Plays and Sonnets, 1st edition
Published by Pearson (January 27, 2006) © 2007
- Michael Flachmann California State University, Bakersfield
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The accuracy and textual integrity of the well-known Pelican edition of the plays plus the brilliant teaching suggestions of a Carnegie Foundation United States Professor of the Year makes this text the perfect choice for your English department course in Drama and Shakespeare.
Message: This collection of eleven Shakespearean plays and sonnets brings Shakespeare alive through a combination of innovative, classroom-tested teaching approaches that show Shakespeare’s plays are not only radiant literary documents but also exciting dramatic scripts intended for performance before live audiences. This dual emphasis on the literary and theatrical nature of the genre is apparent in the book’s title, Shakespeare: From Page to Stage, and in all the instructional material surrounding the plays themselves. The first and most important resource available to you, therefore, is this innovative blended approach to the study of Shakespeare, which combines the exhilaration of live theatre with time-honored elements of literary analysis to help bring the plays alive for a new generation of students.
Story: Michael Flachmann wrote this book because none of the current texts on the market combines literary and theatrical teaching techniques in a way that engages student interest and helps present the characters, situations, and language of the plays in a personal, visceral, and exciting fashion. Shakespeare's plays are perceived by most students as boring, pedantic, and difficult to read/understand. This text makes the plays vibrant, fascinating, and relevant to modern students through a unique and highly effective blend of pedagogical approaches
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