Starting Out with Java: Early Objects, 6th edition
Published by Pearson (February 17, 2017) © 2018
- Tony Gaddis Haywood Community College
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For courses in Java programming
A clear and student-friendly way to teach the fundamentals of Java
Starting Out with Java: Early Objects, 6th Edition features Tony Gaddis’s accessible, step-by-step presentation which helps beginning students understand the important details necessary to become skilled programmers at an introductory level. Gaddis motivates the study of both programming skills and the Java programming language by presenting all the details needed to understand the “how” and the “why”—but never losing sight of the fact that most beginners struggle with this material. His approach is gradual and highly accessible, ensuring that students understand the logic behind developing high-quality programs.
In Starting Out with Java: Early Objects, Gaddis looks at objects—the fundamentals of classes and methods—before
covering procedural programming. As with all Gaddis texts, clear and easy-to-read code listings, concise and practical real world examples, and an abundance of exercises appear in every chapter. Updates to the 6th Edition include revised, improved problems throughout and three new chapters on JavaFX.
- Written with clear, easy-to-understand language, and rich with example programs that are concise, practical, and real-world oriente
- The hundreds of Example Programs in the text are designed to highlight the topic currently being studied. Source code for these programs is provided so that students can run the programs themselves.
- Students not only learn how to implement the features and constructs of Java, but why and when to use them.
- NEW! JavaFX chapters and updates in the new edition.
- NEW! Topics from Java 8, including Lambda Expressions
- Objects and methods are introduced before procedural programming. The fundamentals of control structures, classes, and the OOP paradigm are thoroughly covered before moving on to graphics and more powerful applications of the Java language.
Features for student success
- Concept Statements, Checkpoints, Notes, and Warnings throughout the book all call out important pieces of information for the student
- Program Output is a sample of its screen output shown after each example program. This immediately shows the student how the program should function.
- In the Spotlight sections provides a programming problem and a detailed, step by step analysis showing the student how to solve it.
- VideoNotes developed specifically for this book are available at Icons appear throughout the text alerting the student to videos about specific topics. Students can follow along with the author as he works through each tutorial in the videos.
- Case studies that simulate real-world applications appear in many chapters throughout the text. These case studies are designed to highlight the major topics of the chapter in which they appear.
Give students opportunities to apply programming concepts and skills
- A thorough and diverse set of review questions, such as fill-in-the-blank and short answer, check the student’s mastery of the basic material presented in each chapter. These are followed by exercises requiring problem solving and analysis, such as the Algorithm Workbench, Predict the Output, and Find the Errors sections.
- EXPANDED! Several new programming problems have been added throughout the book
- Programming Challenges are designed to solidify the student’s knowledge of the topics currently being studied. Each chapter offers a pool of programming exercises. In most cases the assignments present real-world problems to be solved.
- Group Projects are intended to be constructed by a team of students. There are several group programming projects throughout the text and emulate the way many professional programs are written and encourages team work within the classroom.
About the book
JavaFX chapters and updates:
- Chapter 11 JavaFX: GUI Programming and Basic Controls - This chapter presents the basics of developing graphical user interface (GUI) applications with JavaFX. Fundamental controls, layout containers, and the basic concepts of event driven programming are covered.
- Chapter 12 JavaFX: Advanced Controls - This chapter discusses CSS styling and advanced user interface controls.
- Chapter 13 JavaFX: Graphics, Effects, and Media - This chapter discusses 2D shapes, animation, visual effects, playing audio and video, and responding to mouse and keyboard events.
- JavaFX in the Database Chapter: The Database chapter, which is now Chapter 15, has been updated to use JavaFX instead of Swing for its GUI applications.
- Note: Chapter 14 from the previous edition has also been moved to the book’s Website as Chapter 19 Creating JavaFX Applications with Scene Builder. Although Oracle no longer officially supports Scene Builder, it is still available as an open source tool at
Content Updates
- String.format Is Used Instead of DecimalFormat: In previous editions, the DecimalFormat class was used to format strings for GUI output. In this edition, the String.format method (which is introduced in Chapter 2) is used instead. With String.format, the student can use the same format specifiers and flags that were learned with the System.out.printf method.
- StringTokenizer Is No Longer Used: In previous editions, the StringTokenizer class was introduced as a way to tokenize strings. In this edition, all string tokenizing is done with the String.split method.
- Introduction of @Override annotation: Chapter 9 now introduces the use of @Override annotation, and explains how it can prevent subtle errors.
- A New Section on Anonymous Inner Classes: Chapter 9 now has a new section that introduces anonymous inner classes.
- The Introduction to Interfaces Has Been Improved: The introductory material on interfaces in Chapter 9 has been revised for greater clarity.
- Default Methods: In this edition, Chapter 9 provides new material on default methods in interfaces, a feature that was introduced in Java 8.
- Functional Interfaces and Lambda Expressions: Java 8introduced functional interfaces and lambda expressions, and in this edition, Chapter 9 has a new section on these topics. The new material gives a detailed, stepped-out explanation of lambda expressions, and discusses how they can be used to instantiate objects of anonymous classes that implement functional interfaces.
- New Programming Problems: Several new, motivational programming problems have been added throughout the book.
The Swing and Applet material that appeared in the previous edition is still available on the book’s Website as the following online chapters:
- The previous Chapter 11 GUI Applications —Part 1 is now available online as Chapter 16.
- The previous Chapter 12 GUI Applications —Part 2 is now available online as Chapter 17.
- The previous Chapter 13 Applets and More is now available online as Chapter 18.
Also Available with MyLabProgramming.
MyLab™ Programming is an online learning system designed to engage students and improve results. MyLabProgramming consists of programming exercises correlated to the concepts and objectives in this book. Through practice exercises and immediate, personalized feedback, MyLab Programming improves the programming competence of beginning students who often struggle with the basic concepts of programming languages.
- UPDATED! User Interface provides a new streamlined interface based on experienced user feedback. Course creation, configuration, and navigation are now easier than ever.
- EXPANDED! Exercise Editor now allows you to easily create new programming exercises. In addition to assigning the hundreds of programming exercises already available in MyProgrammingLab, you can create and assign programming exercises to customize your course.
- UPDATED! VideoNotes Tutorials provide step-by-step video tutorials specifically designed to enhance the programming concepts presented in Introduction to Java Programming. Students can view the entire problem-solving process outside of the classroom—when they need help the most.
- The Plagiarism Detection Tool alerts instructors of potential plagiarism issues by checking:
- Students’ average submission rate
- Students’ average number of attempts until correct
Brief Contents
- Introduction to Computers and Java
- Java Fundamentals
- A First Look at Classes and Objects
- Decision Structures
- Loops and Files
- A Second Look at Classes and Objects
- Arrays and the ArrayList Class
- Text Processing and Wrapper Classes
- Inheritance
- Exceptions and Advanced File I/O
- JavaFX: GUI Programming and Basic Controls
- JavaFX: Advanced Controls
- JavaFX: Graphics, Effects, and Media
- Recursion
- Databases
Appendix A The ASCII/Unicode Characters
Appendix B Operator Precedence and Associativity
Appendixes C–M Available on the book’s online resource page
Case Studies 1–4 Available on the book’s online resource page
Available on the Computer Science Portal at
- Appendix C Java Key Words
- Appendix D Installing the JDK and Using the JDK Documentation
- Appendix E Using the javadoc Utility
- Appendix F More about the Math Class
- Appendix G Packages
- Appendix H Working with Records and Random-Access Files
- Appendix I Configuring Java DB
- Appendix J The QuickSort Algorithm
- Appendix K N amed Colors
- Appendix L Answers to Checkpoints Questions
- Appendix M Answers to Odd-Numbered Review Questions
- Case Study 1 The Amortization Class
- Case Study 2 The PinTester Class
- Case Study 3 Parallel Arrays
- Case Study 4 The SerialNumber Class
Tony Gaddis is the principal author of the Starting Out With series of textbooks. Tony has nearly two decades of experience teaching computer science courses, primarily at Haywood Community College. He is a highly acclaimed instructor who was previously selected as the North Carolina Community College “Teacher of the Year” and has received the Teaching Excellence award from the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development. The Starting Out With series includes introductory books covering C++, Java™, Microsoft® Visual Basic®, Microsoft® C#®, Python®, Programming Logic and Design, Alice, and App Inventor, all published by Pearson. More information about all these books can be found at
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