Sleepmask Down – Grades Up! How to Manage Sleep in College

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Taylor Perline
A graphic with a yellow moon and stars, a sleepmask, and the letters Zzzzzz.

We’ve all been there. It’s been a long day. You’re tired from long classes, after school activities, or even a night out with friends. All you want is to curl up in bed and get some much-needed sleep. You try to relax in bed and slip into a sweet dream... but you can’t. At 12AM, you’re tossing and turning. At 1AM, you're staring at a wall. Before you know it, it’s early morning and you wake up feeling even more sluggish than before you went to bed.

Managing sleep health isn’t easy. As a diagnosed insomniac, I know that more than anyone. However, I also know that there are plenty of tips that can help us students finally get some shuteye!

Try Out Some Sleep-Aiding Tools

New and improved sleep focused technology is constantly being created. A staple for many sleep-deprived students is the usage of a weighted blanket or a weighted stuffed animal. Studies have shown that having a weighted object on your body can have a calming effect which can then help you feel relaxed enough to catch some “Z” s! There are also products that are infused with lavender, which is a scent that has a natural relaxing effect on the body. Trying out a lavender scented lotion or pillow spray can quickly lull you into sleep!

Relax With Some Warm Lighting

A soft warm and yellowish glow may sometimes help you fall asleep better than complete darkness! If your room doesn’t have warm lighting already, installing some “fairy lights” with a warm glow is an option.

Change Your Phone Settings!

The phrase, “Well, maybe you’d sleep better if you got off your phone!” has been overused by parents, teachers, and others for the longest time. While it is important to not be attached to your phone all night, there are settings within your phone that can help your sleep health! You can silence your notifications and most phones have sleep or night related settings. These settings can be applied so that during certain hours of the night, your phone’s display will increase its color warmness so that it’s easier on your eyes. I recommend giving this a shot!

Take Time to Unwind Nightly

There are so many ways to relax before going to sleep, and a set routine can remind your body that it is time to close your eyes and count some sheep. Something as simple as brushing your teeth and washing your face before bed can be beneficial. A deep breathing or beginner yoga routine can also relax your mind as well as your body!

Sleep health isn't something to take lightly. Healthy sleep patterns can play a huge effect on your mood as well as your academic performance. Try out a few tips and see if they help you get a good night’s rest!

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