Using Power Maths flexibly after lost learning

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On 27 January we held a webinar to share advice from our authors, Tony Staneff and Josh Lury, about how to use Power Maths flexibly in response to the current situation. Many children are not going into each new unit at the usual, expected starting point, and the volume of missed learning is variable. Please watch the webinar if you have time (it’s 1 hour). Otherwise, this blog is designed to sum up some key points.


Year 1

Non-stat guidance

Unit 1: Numbers to 10

11: First, second, third…

Pupils practise … ordering (for example, first, second, third…)

1 Unit 5: 2D and 3D shapes 5: Making patterns with shapes They recognise and create repeating patterns with objects and with shapes.
1 Unit 7: Addition within 20 3: Finding number bonds

Focus should be on children adding a 1-digit and 2-digit number without the need to cross the 10.

1 Unit 7: Addition within 20 4: Add by making 10 (1)

Focus should be on children adding a 1-digit and 2-digit number without the need to cross the 10.

1 Unit 7: Addition within 20 5: Add by making 10 (2) Focus should be on children adding a 1-digit and 2-digit number without the need to cross the 10.
1 Unit 8: Subtraction within 20 3: Subtraction – crossing the 10 (1) Focus should be on children adding a 1-digit and 2-digit number without the need to cross the 10.
1 Unit 8: Subtraction within 20 4: Subtraction – crossing the 10 (2) Focus should be on children adding a 1-digit and 2-digit number without the need to cross the 10.
1 Unit 9: Numbers to 50 3: Tens and ones Pupils begin to recognise place value in numbers beyond 20 by reading, writing, counting and comparing numbers up to 100, supported by objects and pictorial representations.

Unit 9: Numbers to 50

4: Representing numbers to 50 Pupils begin to recognise place value in numbers beyond 20 by reading, writing, counting and comparing numbers up to 100, supported by objects and pictorial representations.
1 Unit 9: Numbers to 50 5: Comparing numbers of objects

Pupils begin to recognise place value in numbers beyond 20 by reading, writing, counting and comparing numbers up to 100, supported by objects and pictorial representations.


1 Unit 9: Numbers to 50

7: Ordering objects and numbers

Pupils begin to recognise place value in numbers beyond 20 by reading, writing, counting and comparing numbers up to 100, supported by objects and pictorial representations.
1 Unit 10: Introducing length and height 4: Measuring length using a ruler In order to become familiar with standard measures, pupils begin to use measuring tools such as a ruler, weighing scales and containers

Unit 12: Multiplication

5: Making doubles

Through grouping and sharing small quantities, pupils begin to understand: multiplication and division; doubling numbers and quantities; and finding simple fractions of objects, numbers and quantities.
1 Unit 15: Position and direction 2: Describing positions (1) Pupils use the language of position, direction and motion, including: left and right, top, middle and bottom, on top of, in front of, above, between, around, near, close and far, up and down, forwards and backwards, inside and outside.
1 Unit 15: Position and direction 2: Describing positions (2) Pupils use the language of position, direction and motion, including: left and right, top, middle and bottom, on top of, in front of, above, between, around, near, close and far, up and down, forwards and backwards, inside and outside.

Year 2

Non-stat guidance

Unit 2: Addition and subtraction (1)

6: Adding and subtracting 1s

Recording addition and subtraction in columns supports place value and prepares for formal written methods with larger numbers.

2 Unit 2: Addition and subtraction (1) 8: Adding and subtracting 10s

Recording addition and subtraction in columns supports place value and prepares for formal written methods with larger numbers.

2 Unit 2: Addition and subtraction (1) 10: Adding a 2-digit number and a 1-digit number Recording addition and subtraction in columns supports place value and prepares for formal written methods with larger numbers.


Unit 2: Addition and subtraction (1)

12: Subtracting a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number

Recording addition and subtraction in columns supports place value and prepares for formal written methods with larger numbers.
2 Unit 9: Properties of shapes 2: Drawing 2D shapes Pupils draw lines and shapes using a straight edge.
2 Unit 9: Properties of shapes 7: Making patterns with 2D shapes Pupils should work with patterns of shapes, including those in different orientations.
2 Unit 9: Properties of shapes 12: Making patterns with 3D shapes Pupils should work with patterns of shapes, including those in different orientations.
2 Unit 10: Fractions 13: Counting in halves Pupils should count in fractions up to 10, starting from any number
2 Unit 10: Fractions 14: Counting in quarters Pupils should count in fractions up to 10, starting from any number

Unit 11: Position and direction

3: Describing movement and turns

Pupils use the concept and language of angles to describe ‘turn’ by applying rotations, including in practical contexts (for example, pupils themselves moving in turns, giving instructions to other pupils to do so, and programming robots using instructions given in right angles).

2 Unit 11: Position and direction 4: Making patterns with shapes Pupils should work with patterns of shapes, including those in different orientations.
Non-stat guidance
2 Unit 3: Addition and subtraction (2)

1: Adding two 2-digit numbers (1)

Recording addition and subtraction in columns supports place value and prepares for formal written methods with larger numbers.

2 Unit 3: Addition and subtraction (2) 2: Adding two 2-digit numbers (2)

Recording addition and subtraction in columns supports place value and prepares for formal written methods with larger numbers.


Unit 3: Addition and subtraction (2)

3: Subtracting a 2-digit number from another 2-digit number (1) Recording addition and subtraction in columns supports place value and prepares for formal written methods with larger numbers.

Unit 3: Addition and subtraction (2)

6: Subtracting a 2-digit number from another 2-digit number (4) Recording addition and subtraction in columns supports place value and prepares for formal written methods with larger numbers.
2 Unit 3: Addition and subtraction (2) 8: Solving word problems – the bar model (1) Some methods show: Recording addition and subtraction in columns supports place value and prepares for formal written methods with larger numbers.
2 Unit 3: Addition and subtraction (2) 9: Solving word problems – the bar model (2) Some methods show: Recording addition and subtraction in columns supports place value and prepares for formal written methods with larger numbers.


Year 3

Non-stat guidance
3 Unit 9: Fractions (1) 7: Fractions as numbers (3) They begin to understand unit and non-unit fractions as numbers on the number line, and deduce relations between them, such as size and equivalence. They should go beyond the [0, 1] interval, including relating this to measure.
3 Unit 8: Length 3: Equivalent lengths – metres and centimetres

Pupils continue to measure using the appropriate tools and units, progressing to using a wider range of measures, including comparing and using mixed units (for example, 1 kg and 200g) and simple equivalents of mixed units (for example, 5m = 500cm).

3 Unit 8: Length 4: Equivalent lengths –centimetres and millimetres Pupils continue to measure using the appropriate tools and units, progressing to using a wider range of measures, including comparing and using mixed units (for example, 1 kg and 200g) and simple equivalents of mixed units (for example, 5m = 500cm).
3 Unit 11: Time

6: Telling time to the minute (2)

Pupils use both analogue and digital 12-hour clocks and record their times. In this way they become fluent in and prepared for using digital 24-hour clocks in year 4.
3 Unit 11: Time 7: Telling time to the minute (3) Pupils use both analogue and digital 12-hour clocks and record their times. In this way they become fluent in and prepared for using digital 24-hour clocks in year 4.

Year 4

Non-stat guidance
4 Unit 15: Geometry – angles and 2D shapes 3: Identifying regular and irregular shapes Pupils compare and order angles in preparation for using a protractor and compare lengths and angles to decide if a polygon is regular or irregular
4 Unit 15: Geometry – angles and 2D shapes 10: Completing a symmetric shape

Pupils draw symmetric patterns using a variety of media to become familiar with different orientations of lines of symmetry; and recognise line symmetry in a variety of diagrams, including where the line of symmetry does not dissect the original shape.

Year 5

Non-stat guidance
5 Unit 2: Place value within 1,000,000 8: Number sequences They should recognise and describe linear number sequences, including those involving fractions and decimals, and find the term-to-term rule.
5 Unit 6: Measure – area and perimeter 3: Calculating perimeter (2)

Pupils calculate the perimeter of rectangles and related composite shapes, including using the relations of perimeter or area to find unknown lengths.

5 Unit 15: Geometry – position and direction

4: Translation with coordinates

Pupils recognise and use reflection and translation in a variety of diagrams, including continuing to use a 2-D grid and coordinates in the first quadrant. Reflection should be in lines that are parallel to the axes.

Year 6

Non-stat guidance
6 Unit 3: Four operations (2) 6: Brackets Pupils explore the order of operations using brackets; for example, 2 + 1 x 3 = 5 and (2 + 1) x 3 = 9.
6 Unit 6: Geometry- position and direction

4: Reasoning about shapes with coordinates

Pupils draw and label rectangles (including squares), parallelograms and rhombuses, specified by coordinates in the four quadrants, predicting missing coordinates using the properties of shapes

6 Unit 15: Statistics

6: Fractions and pie charts (1)

Pupils connect their work on angles, fractions and percentages to the interpretation of pie charts.

6 Unit 15: Statistics 7: Fractions and pie charts (2) Pupils connect their work on angles, fractions and percentages to the interpretation of pie charts.
6 Unit 15: Statistics

8: Percentages and pie charts

Pupils connect their work on angles, fractions and percentages to the interpretation of pie charts.